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Linux Server Module

This module allows you to create 1 Linux Server VM with 1 NIC It will:

  • create 1 Linux VM (hostname and VM named according to naming system: <environment(like test/prod/stage)><os(lin or win)><id (4 digits serial)>, like testlin0100, or prodlin0058, and so on)
  • create 1 NIC
  • generate random admin password for VM admin (default admin name is admlocal)
  • create 1 secret in provided keyvault to store the admin password (the secret name will be hostname-admin_name, depending on variable VmAdminName value: !!!underscore unauthorized!!!)
  • create various tags (you should add your iwn default tags)

Required resources

  • existing Resource Group
  • existing Keyvault
  • existing Subnet
  • existing VNet
  • existing Storage account

Usage Example :

module "testVM" {
  source = ""
  RgName = #call existing RG name
  RgLocation = data.azurerm_resource_group.myRg.location #call existing RG location
  VmEnv = "staging"
  VmNumber = "100" # /!\ Important - list the server IDs to provision. This parameter is used for naming convention
  VmSize = "Standard_B1ms" #(choose the right size for the need)
  #AvZone = "1" #(optional, Availability Zone default value is "1")
  #VmStorageTier = "Standard_LRS" #optional, default is Premium_LRS if not provided
  KvId = module.Kv-DemoVault.Id #specify the Keyvault resource id where the secret must be created
  ImagePublisherName = "Canonical"
  ImageOffer = "UbuntuServer"
  ImageSku = "18.04-LTS"
  SubnetId = #call existing subnet id
  RgVmDiag = "someRg" #existing storage account RG name
  VmDiag = "mydiags" #existing storage account nam
  EnvironmentTag = "testing"
  UsageTag = "Application Top Notch"

You can use for_each to create multiple VMs with this module, by feeding it with a collection, like the example below

Ths list is used to name the VMs. It doesn't need to be successive numbers, and any value can be removed later on to destroy one or more VM of the set without recreating the other VMs of the list.

variable "VmNumber-list" {
  default = [

module "testVM-pack" {
  for_each = toset(var.VmNumber-list) #for_each require a set or a map, list are not accepted
  source = ""
  RgName = #call existing RG name
  RgLocation = data.azurerm_resource_group.myRg.location #call existing RG location
  VmEnv = "test"
  VmNumber = each.value # /!\ Important - list the server IDs to provision. This parameter is used for naming convention
  VmSize = "Standard_B1ms" #(choose the right size for the need)
  #AvZone = "1" #(optional, Availability Zone default value is "1")
  #VmStorageTier = "Standard_LRS" #optional, default is Premium_LRS if not provided
  KvId = module.Kv-DemoVault.Id #specify the Keyvault resource id where the secret must be created
  ImagePublisherName = "Canonical"
  ImageOffer = "UbuntuServer"
  ImageSku = "18.04-LTS"
  SubnetId = #call existing subnet id
  RgVmDiag = "someRg" #existing storage account RG name
  VmDiag = "mydiags" #existing storage account nam
  EnvironmentTag = "testing"