Create a REST API that in Node.js allows for listing, creating, modifying, and deleting books. Please do not use a node.js framework like Sails or Trails.
Each book has a title and an author.
You should protect your library; only authenticated users should be allowed to modify information, but anyone can look at what books are in your library.
Please submit your result via a link to a github repository containing your code.
- You don't need to actually use a real databse, memory is fine. Make sure it'd be easy to modify in the future to hook it up to a database, though.
- For the purpose of this evaluation, putting user credential information in the code itself is fine.
- This is not time limited; we want to see you think and code in a real life situation, not how quickly you can throw something together.
- Use your best judgment if questions come up. If you are unsure about whether you made the "right" choice, just explain why you did it in comments. For example, if you do something because of lack of time, explain what you would have done if you worked on it longer. If you made an architectural decisions because this is "demo"/test code but would have done it differently in production, write a comment about why. :)
- Looking up how to do things is fine; this isn't a "how much do you memorize" test, it's a "how well can you accomplish a task" test. Blindly copying/pasting is bad, but learning how to do something and then doing it is good.