Checkout our new cordova plugin with Android and iOS support
Available at
Improvments include:
- streamlined installation
- automatic config.xml editing
- automatic post build script injection
this plugin is : # `D E P R E C A T E D` This plugin is deprecated in favor of the [New Relic iOS/Android Cordova plugin](
The official New Relic iOS SDK plugin for Cordova and PhoneGap.
- In your PhoneGap/Cordova project directory run this command:
cordova plugin add
- Open your project's top-level config.xml file and add this line with your New Relic token:
<preference name="NewRelicApplicationToken" value="<YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>" />
- Open the iOS project in Xcode (located in <project>/platforms/ios/<project>.xcodeproj)
- Click on your Project in the Project Navigator window, under Targets select your app, and click the Build Phases tab.
- Click the "+" at the top of the Build Phases section and select "New Run Script Phase".
- In the script text area (beneath the Shell line) enter this script, adding your New Relic token:
SCRIPT=`/usr/bin/find "${SRCROOT}" -name | head -n 1`
/bin/sh "${SCRIPT}" "<YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>"
- Now you can either run your app directly from Xcode or exit out and run your app via the command line. In several minutes, you should be able to see data being reported in your New Relic Mobile account.
newrelic-cordova-ios plugin is licensed under the Apache 2 License.
NewRelicAgent.framework is Copyright (c) 2014 New Relic. All rights reserved. For license details see