This bot contains code from other developers, this bot was just refactored, to facilitate new implementations and maintenance.
This bot is free and open source.
🖥️ Computer/Laptop High or Medium Profile
🐍 Install the Python 3.9.9
🖥️ Computer/Laptop Low Profile or Low Profile with Windows 7 Pro
🐍 Install the Python 3.8.10
Install the dependencies by running the command below into the project folder:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Ready! Now just start the bot with the command, inside the project folder
The bot doesn't change any of the game's source code, it just takes a screenshot of the game's screen to find the buttons and simulates mouse movements.
The waiting time for harvesting the sunflower is 1 minute, and for the other plants it is 5 minutes.
Desktop Medium Profile
Intel i5-3570k @ 3.4Ghz, 24GB RAM
Windows 11, Resolution@1920x1080
Python 3.9.9
Laptop Low Profile
Laptop Samsumg RV411, Pentium P6200 @ 2.13Ghz, 2GB RAM
Windows 7, Resolution@1366x768
Python 3.8.10
Use the enable option to activate which seed you want to use and the sell option to deactivate the sale of the seed, in this case it is for you not to sell the seed, if you are accumulating to buy some NFT.
{ position: 0, enable: true, title: "sunflower", sell: true },
{ position: 1, enable: true, title: "potato", sell: true },
{ position: 2, enable: true, title: "pumpkin", sell: true },
{ position: 3, enable: true, title: "carrot", sell: true },
{ position: 4, enable: true, title: "cabbage", sell: true },
{ position: 5, enable: true, title: "beetroot", sell: true },
{ position: 6, enable: true, title: "cauliflower", sell: true },
{ position: 7, enable: false, title: "parsnip", sell: false },
{ position: 8, enable: false, title: "radish", sell: false },
{ position: 9, enable: false, title: "wheat", sell: false },
forest: [],
water: [],