a tutorial for plotting subcortical structures using VERa
Make a 3D model from ASERG+APRARC segmentation.
ASEG is a volume segmentation (for example, it will give you labels for cortex, white matter, hippocampus, and thalamus), but in ASEG, all cortex will just be labeled cortex.
APRARC is a type of cortical segmentation (insula, premotor, ...). ASERG+APRARC combines those two together.
Within the SEEG_full pipeline of VERA, the identifier ASEG will use aseg+aparc from Freesurfer.
There is a component called "LabelVolume2Surface." Use as ASEG and an appropriate surface identifier name. And then use a matouput component to save it as mat file.
An example of MATLAB code visualizing just some parts of the 3d model is included.