Advanced tools for neuroglancer (conversion, tracts visualization, ...)
pip install git+
This package implements an application built around a local neuroglancer instance. It comes with a set of shell-like commands that simplifies loading and manipulating layers, with a strong focus on neuroimaging.
In particular, it knows how to display data in neuroimaging cardinal axes (Right/Anterior/Superior and their permutations). To this end, it leverages the proposed NIfTI-Zarr specification, which embeds a NIfTI header in OME-Zarr files.
To run the app, simply type
in your shell. It will open a neuroglancer window, and a shell-like interface:
Type help to list available commands, or help <command> for specific help.
Type Ctrl+C to interrupt the current command and Ctrl+D to exit the app.
Let's start with the list of commands
[1] help
usage: [-h] {help,load,unload,transform,shader,state,display,exit,quit} ...
positional arguments:
help Display help
load Load a file
unload Unload a file
transform Apply a transform
shader Apply a shader
state Return the viewer's state
display Dimensions to display
exit (quit) Exit neuroglancer
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
We can load a bunch of files
[2] load /path/to/local_file.nii.gz
[3] load tiff:///path/to/file_without_extension
[4] load zarr:// --name my_image
change their colormaps
[5] shader blackred --layer local_file.nii.gz
[6] shader blackgreen --layer file_without_extension
[7] shader blackblue --layer my_image
and apply an affine transform
[8] transform /path/to/affine.lta --layer local_file.nii.gz
Finally, we use an LIP frame (left, inferior, posterior) to display the data
[9] display LIP
Note that even though we are using our own neuroglancer instance, its state can be transferred to a remote instance. Assuming that only remote files were loaded (or that the local fileserver is still running), states will be compatible, and the remote instance will display the exact same scene. The state can be obtained in JSON form, or in URL form (which is simply the quoted version of the JSON)
[10] state
"dimensions": {
"x": [
"y": [
"z": [
"position": [
"crossSectionScale": 1,
"projectionScale": 256,
"layers": [
"type": "image",
"source": "nifti://",
"tab": "source",
"shaderControls": {
"normalized": {
"range": [
"name": "sub-control01_T1w.nii.gz"
"layout": "4panel"
[11] state --url!%7B%22dimensions%22%3A%20%7B%22x%22%3A%20%5B0.001%2C%20%22m%22%5D%2C%20%22y%22%3A%20%5B0.001%2C%20%22m%22%5D%2C%20%22z%22%3A%20%5B0.001%2C%20%22m%22%5D%7D%2C%20%22displayDimensions%22%3A%20%5B%22x%22%2C%20%22y%22%2C%20%22z%22%5D%2C%20%22position%22%3A%20%5B2.5%2C%201.5%2C%2022.5%5D%2C%20%22crossSectionScale%22%3A%201%2C%20%22projectionScale%22%3A%20256%2C%20%22layers%22%3A%20%5B%7B%22type%22%3A%20%22image%22%2C%20%22source%22%3A%20%22nifti%3A//http%3A//