This is a very basic proof of concept of BIDS Transformers. It implements two transformers: one based on FSL ROI extractor and second based on FSL Skull Stripping.
Example notebook is BIDS_Transformers.ipynb. To run this notebook you will need the following:
- Clone this repository
- Working Nipype installation. You can also use docker container (see instructions below).
- PyBIDS package (
pip install pybids
) - Download data folder from one of the following links and put it into the folder
You can follow the Nipype tutorial.
git clone
cd neuro_docker
docker build -t="dockerfile/neuro" .
cd ..
git clone
cd BIDSTransformers
sudo docker run -v $PWD/:/work/soft/BIDSTransformers -it -p 8809:8809 dockerfile/neuro
pip install notebook pybids duecredit
apt-get update
apt-get install tree
export PATH=/work/soft/ants/build/bin:$PATH
export ANTSPATH=/work/soft/ants/build/bin/
jupyter notebook --no-browser --ip="*" --allow-root --port 8809
You will see message:
Copy/paste this URL into your browser when you connect for the first time,
to login with a token:
git checkout crn-code-sprint2017
You will need to open this url in your browser and copy the token.