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Releases: networknt/light-4j


30 Nov 16:57
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2.1.38 (2024-11-30)

Merged pull requests:


20 Sep 21:06
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2.1.37 (2024-09-20)

Merged pull requests:

  • fixes #2345 Fix the transformer matching with encoding #2346 (stevehu)
  • fixes #2343 Trim the encoding for req res tranformer interceptors #2344 (stevehu)
  • fixes #2341 Dynamic loading jwk with kid is not working if multiple s… #2342 (stevehu)
  • fixes #2339 allow the req or res body encoding to be customized per p… #2340 (stevehu)
  • fixes #2337 update req/res transformer interceptor to handle the erro… #2338 (stevehu)
  • fixes #2334 make convertEnvVars configurable to work with lower case … #2335 (stevehu)

Upgrade Guide

For this release, we have deprecated openapi-security.yml, graphql-security.yml, and hybrid-security.yml. Going forward, all JWT and SWT-related configurations should be centralized in a single security.yml file.

Important Changes for Users with Framework-Specific Security Configurations

If you have framework-specific security properties defined in values.yml, you’ll need to update these properties by removing the framework prefix (openapi-, graphql-, or hybrid-) and using only security as the prefix.

For example, if you previously had the following property in your values.yml file:

openapi-security.enableVerifyJwt: false

You should update it to:

security.enableVerifyJwt: false

This update simplifies configuration management by unifying security settings under a single security.yml file.


28 Aug 00:51
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2.1.36 (2024-08-27)

Merged pull requests:


17 Aug 12:48
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2.1.35 (2024-08-17)

Merged pull requests:


22 Jun 14:57
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2.1.34 (2024-06-22)

Merged pull requests:


31 Mar 22:01
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2.1.33 (2024-03-31)

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27 Feb 23:21
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2.1.32 (2024-02-27)

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18 Jan 18:33
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1.6.47 (2024-01-18)

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17 Jan 01:30
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2.1.31 (2024-01-16)

Merged pull requests:

Upgrade Guide

For this release, we have combined all caches together so that they can be managed centrally through the admin endpoints from the Light Portal. With this change, the default cache for jwk and jwt won't work anymore, and you need to add the following section to your values.yml file. Please adjust the expiry and size according to your API and OAuth 2.0 provider.

# cache.yml
  - cacheName: jwt
    expiryInMinutes: 15
    maxSize: 100
  - cacheName: jwk
    expiryInMinutes: 129600
    maxSize: 100

Also, you need to add the following implementation mapping in the service.yml section.

  - com.networknt.cache.CacheManager:
      - com.networknt.cache.CaffeineCacheManager


31 Dec 03:12
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1.6.46 (2023-12-30)

Merged pull requests:

  • Ensure leaked connections are closed in SimpleURIConnectionPool.restore() (SimplePool v2) (1.6.x) #2042 (miklish)
  • Ensure XnioSSL and XnioWorker resources are created only once in multithreaded environment (SimplePool v2) (1.6.x) #2054 (miklish)
  • remove unused code in SimpleUndertowConnectionMaker #2024 (miklish)
  • Issue1897 #1980 (miklish)
  • SimplePool v2 #1963 (miklish)
  • Update variable names for Token Connection and Request Timeout #1957 (jaydeepparekh1311)
  • revert upgrades of snakeyaml and jackson until compatibility updates made (1.6.x) #1959 (miklish)
  • fixes #1954 Upgrade snakeyaml to 2.2 from 1.33 to resolve security vu… #1955 (stevehu)
  • Update client module unit tests to allows sub-1ms response times (Issue 1950) #1951 (miklish)
  • fix NPE in SimpleConnectionPool.restore() and optimize borrow() with computeIfAbsent() #1938 (miklish)
  • Use Simple Pool for Token verification call #1933 (jaydeepparekh1311)
  • Backwards compatibility for Consul blocking queries time #1932 (jaydeepparekh1311)
  • Fix test for windows environment. Reset light config property at the end of test #1941 (zabooma)
  • Fix flaky test: com.networknt.audit.AuditHandlerTest.testAuditWithErrorStatus #1919 (KiruthikaJanakiraman)
  • fixes #1893 verifyHostname stop working with 1.6.x client after upgra… #1894 (stevehu)