Version: 1.0.6
npm install @netvote/netvote-api-sdk
Note: Admin SDK is meant for server-deployment only. Do not place ID or Secret in the browser
const netvoteApis = require("@netvote/netvote-api-sdk")
const nv = netvoteApis.initAdminClient(
let metadata = await nv.SaveToIPFS({
"type": "basic",
"ballotTitle": "2020 Election",
"ballotLocation": "NYC",
"ballotDate": "",
"ballotImage": "",
"featuredImage": "",
"ballotInformation": "Some information",
"ballotGroups": [{
"groupTitle": "Decision Types",
"ballotSections": [{
"type": "multiple",
"maxSelect": 2,
"minSelect": 1,
"sectionTitle": "Governor",
"sectionTitleNote": "Choose 1 or 2 choices",
"ballotItems": [{
"itemTitle": "John Smith",
"itemDescription": "Democratic Party"
}, {
"itemTitle": "Sally Gutierrez",
"itemDescription": "Republican Party (incumbent)"
}, {
"itemTitle": "Tyrone Williams",
"itemDescription": "Independent"
}, {
"type": "single",
"sectionTitle": "Proposition 33",
"sectionTitleNote": "Do you support Proposition 33?",
"ballotItems": [{
"itemTitle": "Yes"
}, {
"itemTitle": "No"
}, {
"type": "ranked",
"sectionTitle": "Favorite Color",
"sectionTitleNote": "Choose your favorite color (1 is highest)",
"ballotItems": [{
"itemTitle": "Red"
}, {
"itemTitle": "Green"
}, {
"itemTitle": "Blue"
}, {
"type": "points",
"totalPoints": 9,
"sectionTitle": "Tax Commissioner",
"sectionTitleNote": "Allocate Points",
"ballotItems": [{
"itemTitle": "Doug Hall",
"itemDescription": "(incumbent)"
}, {
"itemTitle": "Emily Washington"
let job = await nv.CreateElection({
autoActivate: false,
continuousReveal: false,
metadataLocation: metadata.hash,
requireProof: true,
allowUpdates: true,
netvoteKeyAuth: true,
network: "netvote"
let finished = await nv.PollJob(job.jobId, 60000);
let electionId = finished.txResult.electionId;
// example logic for base64(sha256(key))
const sha256Hash = (str) => {
let hash = crypto.createHash("sha256")
return hash.digest().toString("base64");
// hash key
let voterKey = "secretKey"
let hashedKey = sha256Hash(voterKey)
let res = await nv.AddVoterKeys(electionId, {hashedKeys: [hashedKey]});
console.log(res.count) // 1
await nv.ActivateElection(electionId);
await nv.StopElection(electionId);
await nv.CloseElection(electionId);
This can be initialized in a browser using a stack like Browserify
const netvoteApis = require("@netvote/netvote-api-sdk")
const publicNv = netvoteApis.initVoterClient(
// voterToken distributed via string
let tokenReponse = await publicNv.GetJwtToken(electionId, voterKey)
let token = tokenResponse.token;
// voterToken distributed via string or QR
let tokenReponse = await publicNv.GetJwtTokenQR(electionId, voterKey)
// token qr is data URL object with {electionId: electionId, token: jwtToken}
document.getElementById("yourimage").src = tokenReponse.qr;
let voteObject = {
ballotVotes: [
choices: [
indexSelections: {
indexes: [0, 1] // select first and second choice
selection: 1 // select the second choice
pointsAllocations: {
points: [2,1,3] // index is choice, value is rank (1 is highest)
pointsAllocations: {
points: [3,6] // these are points, more is higher
let job = await publicNv.CastSignedVote(electionId, token, voteObject)
// poll for 60 seconds
let res = await publicNv.PollJob(job.jobId, 60000);
if(res.txStatus === "complete"){
// everything is good
} else {
// an error occured, or vote is a duplicate
There are two required headers:
x-api-key: APIKEY
Authorization: Basic base64(ID:SECRET)
For example, for values APKEY=abc123, ID=testid, and SECRET=testsecret, the headers are:
x-api-key: abc123
Authorization: Basic dGVzdGlkOnRlc3RzZWNyZXQK
Endpoint | Method | Auth? | Description |
/admin/election |
POST | Yes | Create a new election and deploy as a smart contract |
/admin/election/{id}/status |
POST | Yes | This will transition the election to the specified state. |
/admin/election/{id}/jwt |
POST | Yes | Set public JWT Key for voter authentication |
/admin/election/{id}/keys |
POST | Yes | If count is populated, will generate and return those keys. Otherwise, will upload base64-encoded sha256 keys found in the hashedKeys array. |
/admin/job/{id} |
GET | Yes | Only the admin who created the job may retrieve job status |
/admin/election/{id}/votes |
GET | Yes | Returns each unique vote (updates are separate entries) |
/public/election/{id} |
GET | No | Anyone may retrieve basic election information |
/public/election/{id}/results |
GET | No | Starts an asynchronous Tally execution |
/public/job/{id} |
GET | No | Retrieves status or result of a Vote or Tally async Job |
/voter/election/{id}/auth/{format} |
POST | Yes | If format is QR, will additionally return JWT inside of a data-type URL for HTML display |
/voter/election/{id}/vote |
POST | Yes | Casts a vote |
/ipfs |
POST | Yes | Save an object to IPFS |
/ipfs/{hash} |
GET | Yes | Get an object from IPFS |