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Merge pull request #910 from netenglabs/0.220-lib-updates
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Library updates including dependabot alerts
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ddutt authored Jul 17, 2023
2 parents 59a2a32 + bbc2b63 commit 091d784
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Showing 3 changed files with 1,388 additions and 1,172 deletions.
126 changes: 66 additions & 60 deletions build/requirements.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,144 +1,150 @@
aiofiles==23.1.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
aiohttp==3.7.4 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
altair==4.2.2 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
anyio==3.6.2 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
anyio==3.7.1 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
appnope==0.1.3 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10" and platform_system == "Darwin" or python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10" and sys_platform == "darwin"
argon2-cffi-bindings==21.2.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
argon2-cffi==21.3.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
asgiref==3.6.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
asgiref==3.7.2 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
asttokens==2.2.1 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
async-timeout==3.0.1 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
asyncssh==2.11.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
attrs==22.2.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
attrs==23.1.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
backcall==0.2.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
beautifulsoup4==4.12.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
beautifulsoup4==4.12.2 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
bidict==0.22.1 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
bleach==6.0.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
blinker==1.5 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
cachetools==5.3.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
certifi==2022.12.7 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
blinker==1.6.2 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
cachetools==5.3.1 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
certifi==2023.5.7 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
cffi==1.15.1 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
chardet==3.0.4 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
charset-normalizer==3.1.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
ciscoconfparse==1.7.18 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
click==8.1.3 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
charset-normalizer==3.2.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
ciscoconfparse==1.7.24 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
click==8.1.5 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
colorama==0.4.6 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
comm==0.1.3 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
configargparse==0.15.2 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
contourpy==1.0.7 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
cryptography==40.0.1 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
contourpy==1.1.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
cryptography==41.0.2 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
cycler==0.11.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
dateparser==1.1.8 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
debugpy==1.6.7 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
decorator==5.1.1 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
defusedxml==0.7.1 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
deprecat==2.1.1 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
dnspython==2.3.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
dnspython==2.4.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
entrypoints==0.4 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
exceptiongroup==1.1.2 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
executing==1.2.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
faker==4.18.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
fastapi==0.95.1 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
fastjsonschema==2.16.3 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
fonttools==4.39.2 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
fastapi==0.95.2 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
fastjsonschema==2.17.1 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
fonttools==4.41.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
future==0.18.3 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
gitdb==4.0.10 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
gitpython==3.1.31 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
gitpython==3.1.32 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
graphviz==0.15 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
h11==0.14.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
httpcore==0.17.3 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
idna==3.4 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
importlib-metadata==6.1.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
importlib-resources==5.12.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
importlib-metadata==6.8.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
importlib-resources==6.0.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
ipaddress==1.0.23 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
ipykernel==5.5.6 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
ipykernel==6.24.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
ipython-genutils==0.2.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
ipython==8.12.2 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
jedi==0.17.2 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
jellyfish==0.10.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
jinja2==3.1.2 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
jsonpath-ng==1.5.3 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
jsonschema==4.17.3 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
jupyter-client==8.1.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
jupyter-core==5.3.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
jsonschema-specifications==2023.6.1 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
jsonschema==4.18.3 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
jupyter-client==8.3.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
jupyter-core==5.3.1 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
jupyterlab-pygments==0.2.2 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
kiwisolver==1.4.4 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
loguru==0.6.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
markdown-it-py==2.2.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
markupsafe==2.1.2 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
markdown-it-py==3.0.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
markupsafe==2.1.3 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
matplotlib-inline==0.1.6 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
matplotlib==3.7.1 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
matplotlib==3.7.2 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
mdurl==0.1.2 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
mistune==2.0.5 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
mistune==3.0.1 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
multidict==6.0.4 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
mypy-extensions==1.0.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
natsort==8.3.1 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
nbclient==0.7.2 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
nbconvert==7.2.10 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
nbformat==5.8.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
natsort==8.4.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
nbclient==0.8.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
nbconvert==7.6.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
nbformat==5.9.1 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
nest-asyncio==1.5.6 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
netconan==0.11.3 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
networkx==2.8.8 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
notebook==6.4.12 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
numpy==1.24.2 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
numpy==1.24.4 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
packaging==21.3 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
pandas==1.5.3 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
pandocfilters==1.5.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
parso==0.7.1 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
passlib==1.7.4 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
pexpect==4.8.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10" and sys_platform != "win32"
pickleshare==0.7.5 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
pillow==9.4.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
pillow==10.0.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
pkgutil-resolve-name==1.3.10 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.9"
platformdirs==3.2.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
platformdirs==3.9.1 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
ply==3.11 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
prettytable==3.6.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
prometheus-client==0.16.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
prompt-toolkit==3.0.38 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
prettytable==3.8.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
prometheus-client==0.17.1 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
prompt-toolkit==3.0.39 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
protobuf==3.20.3 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
psutil==5.9.4 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
psutil==5.9.5 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
ptyprocess==0.7.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10" and os_name != "nt" or python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10" and sys_platform != "win32"
pure-eval==0.2.2 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
pyarrow==11.0.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
pycparser==2.21 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
pydantic==1.10.7 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
pydeck==0.8.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
pygments==2.14.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
pydantic==1.10.11 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
pydeck==0.8.1b0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
pygments==2.15.1 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
pympler==1.0.1 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
pyparsing==2.4.7 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
pyrsistent==0.19.3 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
python-dateutil==2.8.2 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
python-dotenv==0.19.2 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
python-nubia==0.2b5 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
pytz==2023.2 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
pytz==2023.3 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
pywin32==306 ; sys_platform == "win32" and platform_python_implementation != "PyPy" and python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
pywinpty==2.0.10 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10" and os_name == "nt"
pywinpty==2.0.11 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10" and os_name == "nt"
pyyaml==6.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
pyzmq==25.0.2 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
regex==2023.3.23 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
requests==2.28.2 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
rich==13.3.3 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
semver==2.13.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
send2trash==1.8.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
simplejson==3.18.4 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
pyzmq==25.1.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
referencing==0.29.1 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
regex==2023.6.3 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
requests==2.31.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
rich==13.4.2 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
rpds-py==0.8.10 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
semver==3.0.1 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
send2trash==1.8.2 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
simplejson==3.19.1 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
six==1.16.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
smmap==5.0.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
sniffio==1.3.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
soupsieve==2.4 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
soupsieve==2.4.1 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
stack-data==0.6.2 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
starlette==0.26.1 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
starlette==0.27.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
streamlit-aggrid==0.2.3.post2 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
streamlit==1.11.1 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
tabulate==0.8.10 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
termcolor==2.2.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
termcolor==2.3.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
terminado==0.17.1 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
text-unidecode==1.3 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
textfsm==1.1.3 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
tinycss2==1.2.1 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
toml==0.10.2 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
toolz==0.12.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
tornado==6.2 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
tornado==6.3.2 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
traitlets==5.9.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
typing-extensions==4.5.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
typing-inspect==0.8.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
typing-extensions==4.7.1 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
typing-inspect==0.9.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
tzlocal==2.1 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
urllib3==1.26.15 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
urllib3==1.26.16 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
uvicorn==0.14.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
uvloop==0.17.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
validators==0.20.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
Expand All @@ -148,5 +154,5 @@ webencodings==0.5.1 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
win32-setctime==1.1.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10" and sys_platform == "win32"
wrapt==1.15.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
xmltodict==0.12.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
yarl==1.8.2 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
zipp==3.15.0 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
yarl==1.9.2 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"
zipp==3.16.2 ; python_full_version > "3.8.1" and python_version < "3.10"

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