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ClearInput Backbone component

Backbone.View component to clear the content of an input field. Bring your own input element!

ClearInput example

How to use?

For an example on how to use this, open the ./example/index.html in your browser (browser must be able to make XHR requests, i.e. Chrome, Firefox or you must create a server at the root of the directory).

html structure

You need to wrap the input field that needs the clear input button with an element of class .clear-button-container.


The basic CSS to make the clear input button work is in style.css. To set the width/height of the input field, make sure you apply the height/width to the .clear-button-container.


var inputElement = document.getElementsByTagName('input')[0];

var clearInput = new ClearInput({
    // inputElement is the DOM Input element that should
    // have clearInput button applied
    input: inputElement

// OR:

var clearInput = new ClearInput();

// The `clearInput` view takes care of clearing the `input` view,
// hiding and showing itself. 
// If you need to hook into the action (i.e. you need to update
//another part of the page, make an XHR, etc, you can listen for
// the `clear` event, i.e.

clearInput.on('clear', function () {
    // whatever you need to do

// if you're using backbone >= 0.9.9, you should can use the
// `#listenTo()` method, to get automatic clean up of your view:

this.listenTo(clearInput, 'clear', function () {
    // whatever you need to do


For dependency details: component.json

to install (for dev)

dependencies: node.js, npm, bower.js & PhantomJS (for testing)

cd component-clearInput
npm install # installs test dependencies and client-side dependencies

to test

npm test


Backbone.View to give you a clear input button






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