This is everything that was used for my bachelors thesis. Here you will find all the source code, config files and scripts used to create it. If you don't have my thesis in front of you and just want to check how or why I did things the way I did, you should not look into this repository. All code was made for one purpose only, nothing is tested and nothing was build with security in mind. It all for use in a controlled environment, protected by a firewall. If you don't know what you are doing, you should not copy any code or config from this repo because it would be unsafe to use in production. And if you know what you are doing, then why would you need my code, you already know how to do it better!
If you have my thesis in front of you and want to check how or why I did the things I did, you will find everything needed in this repository. I tried to document everything needed to set it the project up, although it was not relevant for my thesis. If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with me, I will try my best to help you.
poetry shell poetry install
docker-compose up -d ba-postgres adminer cd ba_website export DBDATABASE=ba-db export DBHOST= export DBPASSWORD=1234 export DBPORT=5432 export DBUSER=ba-user export DEBUG_DEPLOYMENT=True python makemigrations python migrate python runserver
In one command:
docker-compose up -d ba-postgres adminer && cd ba_website && export DBDATABASE=ba-db && export DBHOST= && export DBPASSWORD=1234 && export DBPORT=5432 && export DBUSER=ba-user && python makemigrations && python migrate && python runserver 0:1337
cd ba_frontend yarn install export VUE_APP_BACKEND= yarn serve
To start virtual machines you need vagrant. You also need some plugins
vagrant plugin install vagrant_reboot_linux
Edit the vagrantfile and set static IPs for the interfaces which work on yout network and have access to the internet. You can also use DHCP for it, see vagrant documentation for that.
To start one VM for every service (frontend, backend, db), use: vagrant up '/multi.*/'
To start one VM with everything in it, use: vagrant up '/single_vm.*/'
Right now, online the single VMs are supported and ready to use!
To stop VMs use: vagrant halt
To remove all VMs use: vagrant destroy --force
Start vm:
vagrant up single_vm_classic
Open ssh session in vm
vagrant ssh single_vm_classic
Go into project folder
cd /vagrant
run postgres init
Go into backend folder
cd ba_website
Run prepare script
A new terminal will be spawned. In that terminal, run the start script.
Your backend is now running.
Now go into the frontend folder ba_frontend. Run
Now the server is available under ip:1337
Start VM
vagrant up single_vm_docker
Go to vagrant folder
cd /vagrant
Then do:
docker-compose -f docker-compose_registry.yml up
Start VM
vagrant up single_vm_orchestration
Go to k3s folder
cd /vagrant/k3s
Then do:
sudo kubectl apply -f .
To run the performance tests go to the performance_test edit the file. The hosts array has to meet your environment.
Then run:
Then you have to wait a long time. Your test files will be sorted in the test_results folder.
You will find some files inside the pyplot_files folder inside the performance_tests folder. Depending on your results you have to manually edit the files to get nice looking results. You can start all tests with:
python timestamp filetype
So e.g.:
python 2020-08-13T00:58:04 png
This command will anayze the data and create graphs and json files with some results.