- ⏳ The Algorithm Design Manual - Steven Skiena - [Textbook]
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman, Julie Sussman - [Textbook]
- Mathematics for Computer Science - Eric Lehman, F Thomson Leighton, Albert R Meyer - [Textbook]
- Build a Modern Computer from First Principles: From Nand to Tetris - Shimon Schocken, Noam Nisan - [Coursera]
- Gatsby - [Tutorial]
- React Hooks
- Advanced React
- Advanced Redux (+ more about it in general)
- Advanced Node
- The One World Schoolhouse - Salman Khan - [Book]
- Building the Intentional University - Minerva - [Textbook]
- Educational Technology - [Udacity, Georgia Tech]
- - Horizon Report: Higher Education Edition - [Report]
- Figma - [Tutorial]
- Adobe Illustrator
- Machine Leaning Engineer Nanodegree
- The Elements of Statistical Learning - Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome Friedman - [Textbook]
- Artificial Intelligence Nanodegree
- Self Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree
- Flying Car and Autonomous Flight Engineer Nanodegree
- Proper Acrylic/oil painting
- Proper drawing/sketching (pencil and pen)
- Woodworking
- Clay sculpting
- Marble sculpting
- Play the piano
- Play the guitar