Yet Another Sinatra Clone
is a sinatra (kind of) clone written in php
and highly influenced by zend framework 1.x, the routing system is based on
limonade's code, is a tiny framework that uses user defined functions as actions
(like in the MVC pattern) and annotations to route the requested url to a function.
- Functions based.
- RESTful.
- Tiny ^_^.
- Routing system based on regex patterns, named params, pairs param (like zend framework 1.x).
- View helpers.
- Function helpers.
- Layouts support.
- Class autoloading based on the Framework Interop Group.
- Models support.
uses this project structure:
If you create these folders in your project they are auto-loaded in your application. Default namespaces:
I saw that invoking the requested function with a lot of arguments is too ugly and a little bit verbose (just a little?), so I add some accessors to be used in each function.
Yasc_App::view() // Access the view object inside your function.
Yasc_App::params() // Get all route params.
Yasc_App::params("key") // Get param "key" value, also, you can specify a default value as the second argument of this static method.
Yasc_App::config() // App config.
Yasc_App::viewHelper("url") // Get a view helper, like Layout, Url, or some of your own.
Yasc_App::functionHelper("flash") // Get a function helper, like Flash, this helper is a stack of messages, errors, notices, etc.
requires PHP 5.2.4 or later.
Easiest way to install yasc
is through composer,
php composer.phar require nebiros/yasc "~0.1.18"
or add it as a git submodule
Create a index.php or a app.php file and include yasc
, like:
namespace My\App;
// composer autoload.
require_once "vendor/autoload.php";
// yasc runtime.
require_once "vendor/nebiros/yasc/src/Yasc.php";
$yasc = new \Yasc();
Add a function and a pattern using an annotation for your application index, your script will be something like this:
namespace My\App;
// composer autoload.
require_once "vendor/autoload.php";
// yasc runtime.
require_once "vendor/nebiros/yasc/src/Yasc.php";
$yasc = new \Yasc();
* @GET("/")
function index() {
echo "Hello world!";
Now, go to your favorite browser and run your script:
Follow the examples and you'r done :).
Maybe you want to hide your script file from the URL, (I know, pretty URLs, SEO shut, blah, blah) and get something fancier like:, ok, well, create a VirtualHost and add a .htaccess file to your application folder like this:
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot "/path/to/your/application/public"
<Directory "/path/to/your/application/public">
Options -Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -s [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -l [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
RewriteRule ^.*$ - [NC,L]
RewriteRule ^.*$ index.php [NC,L]
NOTE: Your app file must be named index.php in order to work with this .htaccess
namespace My\App;
// composer autoload.
require_once "vendor/autoload.php";
// yasc runtime.
require_once "vendor/nebiros/yasc/src/Yasc.php";
$yasc = new \Yasc();
* @GET("/")
function index() {
echo "Hello world!";
* @POST("/")
function create() {
// save something.
* @PUT("/")
function update() {
// update something.
* @DELETE("/")
function destroy() {
// delete something.
* Function to configure some yasc options. This function is optional you don't
* need to write it in your app script if you don't want.
function configure() {
// * You can add a layout, a layout is just a .phtml file that represents
// the site template.
Yasc_App::config()->setLayoutScript(dirname(__FILE__) . "/layouts/default.phtml");
// * If you want to use a stream wrapper to convert markup of mostly-PHP
// templates into PHP prior to include(), seems like is a little bit slow,
// so by default is off.
// ->setViewStream(true);
// * You can add more than one folder to store views, each view script
// is a .phtml file.
// ->addViewsPath(dirname(__FILE__) . "/extra_views");
// * You can add more than one path of view helpers and set a
// class prefix for the path added.
// ->addViewHelpersPath(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../library/My/View/Helper", "My_View_Helper");
// or if you don't want a class prefix just leave it blank.
// ->addViewHelpersPath(dirname(__FILE__) . "/extra_views/helpers");
// * Function helpers, second argument is a prefix class.
// ->addFunctionHelpersPath(dirname(__FILE__) . "/extra_function_helpers");
// * Add models folder, second argument is a prefix class.
// ->addModelsPath(dirname(__FILE__) . "/models");
// ->addModelsPath(dirname(__FILE__) . "/extra_models/My/Model", "My_Model");
// * Add extra options to the configuration object, like some $mysql connection
// resource or a global flag, etc.
// ->addOption("db", $mysql);
We provide two functions, pre_dispatch
and post_dispatch
, that may be called before and after an action is
* @GET("/")
function index() {
// Use layout view helper to disable the layout or use Yasc_Layout object
// Yasc_Layout::getInstance()->disable(), Yasc_Layout uses singleton pattern.
// Get the mysql resource from this app configuration option.
// $mysql = Yasc_App::config()->getOption("db");
// ... do some sql operation.
echo "Hello world!";
* @POST("/")
* You can route the same url to another function using a different request
* method.
function save_index() {
echo "<pre>";
echo "post: ";
echo "</pre>";
* @GET("/tales")
function tales() {
// You can add variables to the view object and get his value on
// the view script using the variable $this, like: $this->tales.
Yasc_App::view()->tales = "oh! I'm a view variable!";
// Render a view script, a view script is a .phtml file where you can mix
// php and html, the V in the MVC model, in this example the view files
// are stored in views/ folder.
// This view calls a view helper 'Tales', so check views/helpers/Tales.php
// to see what it does.
* @GET("/tales/:lol")
* @POST("/woot") // Ignored, yasc only uses the first annotation found.
* Named params, you can access those via Yasc_App::params() method.
* Matches: /tales/foo and /tales/bar
function tales1() {
echo "<pre>";
echo "lol value: " . Yasc_App::params("lol");
echo "</pre>";
Yasc_App::view()->tales = "oh! I'm a view variable!";
// instance of a model.
$foo = new Model_Foo();
Yasc_App::view()->helloModel = $foo->doSomething();
// Render a view without the layout.
* @GET("/tales/:lol/id/:id")
function tales2() {
echo "<pre>";
echo "lol value: " . Yasc_App::params("lol");
echo "id value: " . Yasc_App::params("id");
echo "</pre>";
* @POST("/tales3")
function tales3() {
echo "<pre>";
echo "post: ";
echo "</pre>";
* @GET("/foo")
function foo() {
// Render view script foo, this view script calls the view helper class 'Foo',
// this view helper render a view helper script inside and return his content
// to this view, a view helper script is just another .phtml file, if you don't
// want to create a whole html string inside the helper ;).
* @GET("^/regex/id/(\d+)/name/([a-z]+)")
* You can create patterns using a regular expression, this kind of route must
* begin with a '^'. Check limonade docs and code if you want more information, or
* just use limonade framework :), it's a more robust framework.
* Matches: /regex/id/26/name/juan
function regex() {
echo "<pre>";
echo "params: ";
echo "</pre>";
* @GET("/say/*\/to\/*")
* Patterns may also include wildcard parameters. Each value is associted
* through numeric indexes, in the same order as in the pattern.
* Matches: /say/hello/to/world
function single_asterisk() {
echo "<pre>";
echo "params: ";
echo "hello: ";
var_dump(Yasc_App::params(0)); // hello
echo "world: ";
var_dump(Yasc_App::params(1)); // world
echo "</pre>";
* @GET("/download/*.*")
* Matches: /download/file.xml
function download() {
echo "<pre>";
echo "params: ";
echo "filename: ";
var_dump(Yasc_App::params(0)); // file
echo "ext: ";
var_dump(Yasc_App::params(1)); // xml
echo "</pre>";
* @GET("/writing/*\/to\/**")
* The double wildcard '**' matches a string like this one: my/friend/juan/badass,
* this string is treated as pairs, this way: param1/value1/param2/value2 etc, like
* Zend Framework does, so, via Yasc_App::params() method you can get those
* values using each key.
* Matches: /writing/hello/to/my/friends/from/limonade/you_guys/roxor
function pairs() {
echo "<pre>";
echo "params: ";
echo "single wildcard: ";
var_dump(Yasc_App::params(0)); // hello
echo "param my: ";
var_dump(Yasc_App::params("my")); // friend
echo "param from: ";
var_dump(Yasc_App::params("from")); // limonade
echo "param you_guys: ";
var_dump(Yasc_App::params("you_guys")); // roxor
echo "</pre>";
* @GET("/update")
function update() {
/* @var $flash Yasc_Function_Helper_Flash */
$flash = Yasc_App::functionHelper("flash");
Yasc_App::view()->flash = $flash;
return Yasc_App::view()->render("update");
// Use '_method' parameter in POST requests when PUT or DELETE methods
// are not supported.
<form id="put" name="put" action="<?php echo $this->url(array("uri" => "/update")) ?>" method="post">
<p>First name: <input type="text" name="first_name" /></p>
<p>Last name: <input type="text" name="last_name" /></p>
<p><input type="submit" value="Update" /></p>
<input type="hidden" name="_method" value="PUT" id="_method" />
* @PUT("/update")
function save_update() {
// $mysql = Yasc_App::config()->getOption("db");
// $mysql->update("table1", array("first_name" => $_POST["first_name"], "last_name" => $_POST["last_name"]));
/* @var $flash Yasc_Function_Helper_Flash */
$flash = Yasc_App::functionHelper("flash");
header("Location: " . Yasc_App::viewHelper("url")->url(array("uri" => "/update")));
* @DELETE("/delete")
function destroy() {
// $mysql = Yasc_App::config()->getOption("db");
// $mysql->delete("table1", "id = {$_POST["id"]}");
header("Location: " . Yasc_App::viewHelper("url")->url(array("uri" => "/update")));
Support for PUT and DELETE methods.Support regex in annotations.Add PUT and DELETE annotations.Add layouts support.Add view helpers support.- Caching.
- Tests.
Improve documentation.