- Updated the
filter to include more variables, which allows for more customization. Example usage below:
* Modifies the indicator classes based on active controls. In this
* case, add a class if the block has been hidden on medium screens.
* @param {string} classes - The original classes of the indicator.
* @param {Array} activeControls - The active controls.
* @param {object} controls - The controls object.
* @returns {string} - The modified classes of the indicator.
function modifyIndicatorClasses( classes, activeControls, controls ) {
if ( activeControls.includes( 'screen-size' ) ) {
const screenSize = controls?.screenSize;
const hiddenOnMedium = screenSize?.hideOnScreenSize?.medium ?? false;
if ( hiddenOnMedium ) {
return classes + ' hidden-on-medium';
return classes;
- [Query String] Fixed bug when using 0 as the value of a query parameter would cause unexpected results.