"Our website serves AVV Chennai students by providing access to valuable resources such as previous years' papers, course-related capstone projects, and research works. It's a platform tailored to enhance students' academic journey by offering insightful materials for reference and study purposes."
User Authentication:
- Secure login system for Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Chennai Campus students to access the portal with their credentials.
Resource Management:
- Midterm Papers: Students can conveniently search and access midterm papers based on their courses and academic years. If a midterm paper is not available, students can contribute by uploading the relevant document, fostering a collaborative and enriching learning experience.
- Endterm Papers: Similar to midterm papers, students can efficiently search and access endterm papers by course and academic year. They can also contribute missing endterm papers, expanding the repository for future batches.
- Projects and Research Works: Students can share their project submissions and research works associated with their courses and academic years, enabling future batches to access and learn from their contributions, promoting knowledge sharing and peer learning.
Course Catalog:
- Comprehensive catalog of courses offered at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Chennai Campus, added and maintained by administrators.
Intuitive User Interface:
- Intuitive sidebar navigation for easy access to midterm papers, endterm papers, projects, research works, and course information.
- Card-based layout for visually appealing and organized display of academic resources.
User Roles and Permissions:
- Students: Can access and contribute academic resources based on their courses and academic years, fostering a collaborative learning environment.
- Administrators: Manage and add courses to the catalog, ensuring an up-to-date list of offerings for students.
- Frontend: React.js, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Backend: Node.js, Express, MongoDB
- Libraries & Tools: Redux, Bootstrap, Axios
- Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/nazeer-18/Academic-Atlas.git
- Install dependencies: npm install
- Start the development server: npm start
- Access the application in your browser at http://localhost:3000
We welcome contributions from the community to enhance Academic-Atlas. If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request for review.
Refer to this YouTube Video for reference!
$ git clone https://github.com/nazeer-18/Academic-Atlas.git
$ cd AcademicAtlas
- Raise the issue which you want to solve and after assigning solve it.
- Save and commit your code.
- Push to your fork of the repository
- Navigate to original repository and make a pull request.
- Clone the Repository after forking
$ git clone https://github.com/<your-github-username>/Academic-Atlas.git
$ cd Academic-Atlas
Make changes to the code(for ex- add an update route)
Create a Branch using:
$ git checkout -b <branch-name>
- Stage your changes using:
$ git add .
- Commit your changes using:
$ git commit -m "add any comment"
- Push the changes to the forked repository using:
$ git push origin <branch-name>
- Navigate to the original repository and make a pull request
This project is licensed under the MIT License, allowing for open collaboration and usage.