This is a Flask web application for creating restaurant menu web pages. Users can log in with Facebook or Google+ accounts to post, edit, and delete their own restaurants and menu items. Relevant tech: Python, Flask, SQLAlchemy, SQL, Bootstrap, Oauth, JSON, Vagrant, and VirtualBox.
- and Vagrantfile - Vagrant configuration files
- .vagrant - Vagrant vm files
- - database models
- - contains example restaurants and menu items
- - the project web server
- client_secrets.json - Google+ API keys
- fb_client_secrets - Facebook API keys
- static - images and css
- templates - HTML views
This app requires Vagrant and VirtualBox to run.
Clone the FSND-P3_Item-Catalog repository. Open a GitBash in the repository and enter the command $ vagrant up. When vagrant has finished starting up, enter the command $ vagrant ssh, and then $ cd /vagrant.
To run the application, enter $ python The application will start at localhost:5000. Go to this address, or to localhost:5000/restaurants, in a browser window to use the application. To stop the server press Ctrl+C (Command+C) in the command line.
Log in using the button at the top right corner of the front page with either a Google+ or Facebook account to create and edit Restaurants and Menu Items. By default, the first account you log in with will be able to edit the sample restaurants and menu items. After this initial login, only the creator of a restaurant will be able to edit it.