This is a plugin for homebridge that displays the current season of the year. You can download it via npm.
Feel free to leave any feedback here.
- Meteorologic season
- Astronomic season
- Nothern and southern hemisphere
- Number and name representation of the season
- Install homebridge using:
npm install -g homebridge
- Install this plugin using:
npm install -g homebridge-seasons
- Update your configuration file. See the samples below.
Add the following information to your config file.
- You can choose between the meteorologic and astronomic calendar.
- You can set your hemisphere between north and south.
- And you can decide whether you want to display the season as a number (0 = Spring), a name or both. The number representation can be used in homekit rules.
"platforms": [
"platform": "Seasons",
"name": "Seasons",
"calendar": "meteorologic",
"hemisphere": "north",
"display": "both"