Sample project demonstrating create a conversation from web => sms and from sms => web.
It takes advantage of the twilio api and firebase realtime database. Please sign up to both accounts
Create a new firebase project
Create a new twilio account with a phone number
Download the project to your local environment using
git clone
cp .env.sample .env
Fill in the secrets in .env file using your firebase credentials
Set cloud functions envrionment variables using the following command (make sure you replace the placeholders):
firebase functions:config:set twilio.account_id=<TWILIO_ACCOUNT_ID> twilio.auth_token=<TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN>
Build react production project (for deployment) using
yarn build
Deploy the cloud functions to firebase
firebase deploy
On twilio, configure a webhook to hit the receiveSMSMessage cloud function url
Go to website advertised by step 8
yarn start
Type a message in the textbox, hit enter and you should receive a text. If you reply to back via text, you should be able to see the message on webchat