NDN-FCH (Find Closest Hub) is a geolocation service application for the Named Data Networking (NDN) network. It aims to provide end hosts connecting to the NDN hub network with the ability to quickly locate the NDN hub closest to their current location.
NDN-FCH is an HTTP-based service with a very simple API.
Requesting an NDN hub based on IP-location inference using MaxMind GeoLite2 City database
Input: GET request
(value 1 to 10, default 1) to requestk
closest hubs.cap=wss
to request a hub capable of secure WebSockets.
Output: a comma-separated list of hostnames of the closest NDN hubs
client | http://ndn-fch.named-data.net | (a) GET / HTTP/1.0 | | --------------------------------------------------------> | | ... | HTTP 200 "spurs.cs.ucla.edu" | | <-------------------------------------------------------- | | | ... ... | | | (b) GET /?k=3 HTTP/1.0 | | --------------------------------------------------------> | | ... | HTTP 200 "spurs.cs.ucla.edu,aleph.ndn.ucla.edu,ndnhub.ics.uci.edu" | <-------------------------------------------------------- | | |
Requesting an NDN hub based on explicit location
Input: GET request
(from -90 to +90) latitude of the locationlon
(from -180 to +180) longitude of the locationk
(value 1 to 10, default 1) to requestk
closest hubs.
Output: a comma-separated list of hostnames of the closest NDN hubs
client | http://ndn-fch.named-data.net | | | (c) GET /?lat=20.222&lon=163.55 HTTP/1.0 | | --------------------------------------------------------> | | ... | HTTP 200 "" | | <-------------------------------------------------------- | ... ... | | | (b+c) GET /?lat=20.222&lon=163.55&k=3 HTTP/1.0 | | --------------------------------------------------------> | | ... | HTTP 200 ",," | | <-------------------------------------------------------- |
- Python 3
virtualenv .python
source .python/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
cp config.dist.py config.py
## edit config.py
To manually download geo-ip mapping and hub position databases:
./manage.py update_geodb
./manage.py update_hubs
These databases need to be periodically refreshed, e.g., using a daily/weekly cronjob
# update geoip database weekly
0 22 * * 1 /path/to/ndn-fch/manage.py update_geodb && touch /path/to/ndn-fch/app.wsgi
# update hubs information daily
0 23 * * * /path/to/ndn-fch/manage.py update_hubs && touch /path/to/ndn-fch/app.wsgi
./manage.py runserver
So access the application at the address (http://localhost:5000/)
Want to specify a different port?
$ ./manage.py runserver -h -p 8080
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin [email protected]
ServerName ndn-fch.example.comf
WSGIProcessGroup ndn-fch.example.com
WSGIDaemonProcess ndn-fch.example.com processes=2 threads=15 display-name=%{GROUP}
WSGIScriptAlias / /path/to/ndn-fch/app.wsgi
<Directory /path/to/ndn-fch>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all