ForestTI is intended to be used as a library your application code. You can check leveldb/db/
for various examples.
Besides, we also implement a simple http client/server which wrap ForestTI for experiments. You can check db/
for the usage.
The code is tested under Ubuntu 20.04.
Dependencies: cmake, gcc, boost, tcmalloc, jemalloc, protobuf, protobuf-compiler, profiler, snappy
sudo apt-get install cmake build-essential libboost-all-dev google-perftools libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libgoogle-perftools-dev libsnappy-dev
git clone
cd jemalloc
sudo make install
shows a large part of our test/bench codes. Before running it, please download the timeseries tags file (containing 10M generated timeseries from TSBS), and place it under the folder test
(you need to first create this folder, like the following).
mkdir test
Generate files from protobuf
cd db
protoc DB.proto --cpp_out=.
Compilation (in the root directory of the repo)
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make db_test
Run the generated db_test with 1000 timeseries
./db_test 1000
The explanation of the results in ./db_test
- [#tuples] means the number of tuples that are inserted till now
- [st] means the starting timestamp in the current insertion batch
- The unit of the throughput is sample/s
- After the insertion, a query will be repeated 3 times, you may see [1-1-1] appears 3 times
In the following, we provide some code segments to show the usage.
Options options;
options.create_if_missing = true;
options.use_log = false; // Disable the log in LevelDB, use the log in ForestTI.
options.max_imm_num = 3;
options.write_buffer_size = 64 * 1024 * 1024;
Create the DB instances
// This is to manage the persistent files in EBS and S3.
DB* ldb;
if (!DB::Open(options, dbpath, &ldb).ok()) {
std::cout << "Cannot open DB" << std::endl;
// This is to manage the in-memory timeseries objects and indexes.
std::unique_ptr<::tsdb::head::MMapHeadWithTrie> head(
new ::tsdb::head::Head(dbpath, "", ldb, true)
Insert individual timeseries
std::unique_ptr<tsdb::db::AppenderInterface> app = head->appender(false);
tsdb::label::Labels lset = {{"label1", "value1"}, {"label2", "value2"}};
std::pair<uint64_t, leveldb::Status> p = app->add(lset, 0, 0.15);
// Fast path insertion with logical TSID.
leveldb::Status st = app->add_fast(p.first, 10, 1.15);
// Commit.
st = app->commit();