Install Anaconda onto your computer Link
If on windows open the Anaconda prompt which was just installed, and if on Mac/linux just open a terminal window and type this command
conda create --name bmtk python=3.8
Then run the follow commands to activate your environment and install the python packages. If you are on a windows computer, to install neuron visit this link instead of using pip. You can also build bmtk from their GitHub but that should not be needed for now. For the next step, download the GitHub repo on this page (just scroll up till you see the green button that says 'Code') and download the zip version, so you have the requirements.txt file on your computer. Then make sure to change your directory to this the one you have the downloaded folder with the requirements.txt file. Note: For windows computer, just use pip install bmtk on line 13 below.
conda activate bmtk
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install bmtk, neuron
Once these packages are all installed you should be good to go. You can run the tutorials by lauching jupyter notebook with this command