GASE is a DNA read aligner that allows to use different combinations of seeding and extension algorithms. GASE is implemented by extending BWA (version 0.7.13) developed by Heng Li. Currently, GASE supports 4 kinds of seeding techniques:
- All the SMEMs (super-maximal exact matches) in a DNA read (all-SMEM). This is same as SMEM seeding in BWA-MEM.
- Only the non-overlapping SMEMs (nov-SMEM).
- Fixed length seeds with no mismatch.
- Fixed length seeds with at most 1 mismatch.
Currently re-seeding is only available for all-SMEM. The reseeding algorithm is same as in BWA-MEM. Three different kind of seed extension techniques can be used:
- Global alignment
- Local alignment
- BLAST-like seed extension
To compile GASE, run make
. To use GASE we first need to build the index by executing the following command:
gase index <ref.fa>
This commands builds the FMD index which is the same as the one used in BWA. To align DNA reads use the following command:
gase gase_aln [options] <ref.fa> <reads.fastq>
Fo all the available alignment options type gase gase_aln
. To test different seeding algorithms only, use the following command:
gase fastmap [options] <ref.fa> <reads.fastq>
For the available options type in gase fastmap
Feel free to conatact Nauman Ahmed: [email protected] for any issues or bugs.