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Crosswalk Command Line Options

Alexis Menard edited this page Jul 12, 2013 · 1 revision

This page is intended to document the command line options specific to Crosswalk.

Name Description Example
--app-icon Specified the icon file path for the app window, support both ICO and PNG file format. xwalk.exe --app-icon=XXX.png
--data-path Specifies the folder name in system configuration folder for the web app launched by Crosswalk. On Linux, the configuration folder is $HOME/.config, while on Windows, it is $USER/AppData/Local xwalk.exe --data-path=myapp. You will find a new directory named myapp created under xwalk.exe working directory.
--fullscreen Launch the application with fullscreen window. xwalk.exe --fullscreen. You will find Crosswalk launch with fullscreen window
--remote-debugging-port Enable remote debugging on the given local host port. xwalk.exe --remote-debugging-port=9222. Try to access 'http://localhost:9222' in Chrome Browser, you will all inspectable pages opened by Crosswalk
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