YThis is a Chat-app made for Android Operating System, using the IDE Android Studio. This project is built with the programming language Java and includes certain other tools like XML for the layout of different Activities of the App. This app is basically a mini Whatsapp clone.
On successful installation of this app, you can see an Activity like this as shown in the Main Activity image.
Main Activity |
Here you can login or register, if you have done or haven’t done any registration into the app respectively. You can look at those activities in Registration and Login image respectively.
Authentication of users is based on e-mail id and on successful registration with your mail-id, if it is not already registered prior, you will get a confirmation mail through which you can login. If the mail-id already exists, you will get a toast saying, "You can’t register with this email". During Login, if you forgot the password, you can reset the password using your registered mail address, as shown in the Reset Password Activity
Registration Activity |
Login Activity |
Reset Password Activity |
On successful login into the app, you can see the list of users who are already logged in into the app as shown in the User Activity image. If the profile picture of the user has a green colored dot at the bottom right, it means the user is active and using the app now. If the dot is gray, it means that the user is offline as shown. You can chat with any user, whom you can see in your users list. On pressing any User, you can see a view similar to the Chat Activity image.
User Activity |
Chat Activity |
You can also edit your profile picture, by clicking on the camera icon at the bottom right of the picture, which opens your gallery and asks you to select an image as shown in the Profile Activity image.
Profile Activity |