- Login and Register Account
- Create, Delete and Move Appointment
- Admin Tab for the Admin to manage the Accounts
- Profil Tab so the user can change his credentials
- Reminder Mail
- Confirmation Mail
- Modern GUI
- Export Profil as PDF
- MySQL Database
- Google Maps API for the Doctor Searching
- Create user profiles and login (authentication)
- Provide GUI interface
- Store login data in database
- Encrypt login data in database
- Admin permission to access, edit and delete users
- Admin account placeholder
- Design admin panel
- Implement accessor, editor and deletor in admin panel
- Create navigation panels
- Admin panel visibility
- Dashboard
- Fetch user's appointment
- Export health information as PDF
- Create appointment
- Doctor suggestions
- Redirect to Dashboard after Appointment created
- Profile / Admin
- Display user data
- Edit user data panel
- Create and pass Appointment entity as java class
- Entry contains info about appointment
- Store Appointment entity in database
- Prepare to display stored appointments on dashboards
- Reminder functionality
- Drop down menu to select time
- Email notification
- Delete appointment
- Edit appointment
- User get email notifcation on delete/edit
- Include Javadoc as API for classes, methods, attributes
- Diagrams describing the software architecture and functionality
- Project documentation (max. 18 pages) (see requirements)
- Description
- Motivation
- Requirements
- Organisation/Task distribution
- Technical descriptions and solutions
- Conclusion