MsgWebsocket (MySmartGrid Websocket) is a C++ library that implements the WebsocketRails protocol for the MySmartGrid Websocket interface It Extends the websocket-rails-client-cpp [1] library.
- [1] websocket-rails-client-cpp,
- WebSocket++ library, (>= 0.3.0 | see own license)
- Jsonxx library, (latest | see own license)
- Boost library up and running, (>= 1.48 | see own license)
- Websocket-Rails server, (v0.7.0)
./test/client wss:// d1d1d1d1d1d1d1d1s1s1s1s1s1s1s1s1 1
./test/demo_load wss:// d1d1d1d1d1d1d1d1s1s1s1s1s1s1s1s1
``` websocket::msgwebsocket dispatcher(url);
``` // post a value for a sensor
``` dispatcher.post_measurement(sensor_uuid, value);
``` dispatcher.disconnect();
## get values
``` // function to call when the server sends a new value
``` void demo_measurements(jsonxx::Object data)
``` {
``` std::cout << "Function demo_measurement called" << std::endl;
``` std::cout << data.json() << std::endl;
``` }
``` // create the connection
``` websocket::msgwebsocket dispatcher(url);
``` // subscribe a sensor
``` dispatcher.subscribe(sensor_uuid);
``` // bind the function to call when the server sends new values
``` dispatcher.bind_channel(sensor_uuid, "create", boost::bind(&demo_measurements, _1));
``` // query the server for values within an timeinterval
``` dispatcher.load_measurement(sensor_uuid, start_time, end_time);
``` dispatcher.disconnect();