Backend for MyFIU
IMPORTANT: Read all comments in all SQL files! Important rules regarding tables, queries, and functions are documented that must be adhered to!
- inserting/updating students
- validating superusers and guests
- inserting offered courses
- recording transcripts
- install PostgreSQL
- open up a terminal window and type
psql -h hostname -U postgres
is the name of the host or the IP address that the database is on. - enter password
- connect to database enter
\c myfiurevamp
All SQL queries can be performed on the command line. Try select * from student;
Note: When executing queries, be sure to end them with a semicolon ;
or psql will think you are entering a new line. If this happens, simply type ;
and enter a new line.
To list all tables, enter \dt
. To describe a table, enter \d table-name