Eclipse Che uses Jekyll 3.3.1 to generate documentation from this reposistory as a static html webpages.
Latest shipped release of documentation can viewed at
Nightly documentation of this repository and can be viewed at
This repository houses documentation for Eclipse Che (repo / site). Content is held in markdown files in /src/main/_docs. Images should be placed in /src/main/_docs/assets/imgs.
Docs are built using Jekyll and the output is static HTML that is hosted at and in the product at {che-domain}/docs
Because the docs are generated into static HTML linking to docs and images is a bit unusual. We provide a custom plugin _plugins/links.rb to create links.
A link is defined as: [<link description shown in html>]({{base}}{{sites.links["<file base name>"]}}#<section name>)
. For example to link to "_docs/workspace-administration/" you would add the following to your MD:
[workspace agents]({{base}}{{sites.links["ws-agents"]}})
To link to a subsection of a markdown file add #<section name>
at end of the link. The section name is the header text with spaces replaced by -
. For example, the heading # Creating New Agent
would be linked as #creating-new-agents
To add a link to /docs/assets/imgs/quick-documentation.png
into your MD you can use: ![quick-documentation.png]({{base}}{{sites.links["quick-documentation.png"]}})
The links plugin uses the following variables in _config.yml file:
- Each defaults.value.categories
is used to create the permalink used in a markdown file.
- Each collections
is used to find file paths for each markdown file specified in the _data folder.
- YAML files in _data are used to create the navigation bar on the right side of page.
The file name must always begin with a prefix for the section it is part of. See other pages in the section you are adding to for the prefix to be used.
All new files need to have the same front matter information at the top of the MD file:
tags: [ "eclipse" , "che" ] // Do not change
title: Chefile // Your title, do not use quotation marks
excerpt: "Che for your repo." // Optional short summary
layout: docs // Should use `docs` or `tutorial`
permalink: /:categories/chefiles/ // Should match the other files in the folder
{% include base.html %} // Do not change, allows relative paths to work
You content can start after this.
New sections are represented as folders in Folder names must contain lowercase a-z characters and -
to seperate words.
Docs are built using a Docker image with Jekyll inside it. You need Docker and Bash installed to build and host the Che docs.
$ git clone
$ cd che-docs/src/main/
$ bash --run
# Markdown converted to static HTML and launches Jekyll server at http://localhost:9080
The Jekyll server will scan for changes to the .md
files every 2 seconds and auto-update the generated HTML.
If you have questions or problems, please create an issue in this repo.