The script connects to a sftp server with credentials provided in data.json file and reads the input directory at sftp server and downloads it to a local directory and includes timestamp in the folder name.
pysftp 0.2.9
python [path/to/data.json]
ip:"localhost", ---> ip/hostname of the sftp server
port:"2222", ---> port of the sftp server
username:"root", ---> username at sftp server
password:"mustafa123", ---> password of the sftp server
private_key:"./p.pem", ---> path to private_key of the sftp server if you want to use private key remove password arguement and add private key arguement in line 38 of
input_path:"/root/test_sftp", ---> input directory at sftp server
output_path":./output", ---> output local directory
output_backup_path:"./backup" ---> ignore