Script help to do clipping of videos for sepecific duration from the uploaded video. Clone this script to generate the clips based on start and end time.
##Please make these configuration before running script.
- Run this command in terminal composer update
- Increase post_max_size to 64M in php.ini post_max_size = 256M
- Pleas make sure FFmpeg libraries installed by run these command in terminal which ffmpeg and which ffprobe if you missing ffprobe then install ffprobe through sudo apt-get install libav-tools
- Add duration as array in form_upload.php at line # 10
array( 'start' => '00:00.00', 'end' => '00:30.00' ),
array( 'start' => '01:05.00', 'end' => '01:12.00' ),
array( 'start' => '02:00.00', 'end' => '02:59.00' ),