api gateway is responsible for delegating routes to related service and also validation token
responsible for user operations like login register and admin operations
responsible order operations(creating order, listing etc), book stock (adding new book
increasing book stock) and statistic operations (getting users monthly statistic)
To use application; start docker engine on your pc. Then cd to main project folder(/readingisgood)
mvn clean install
this will create all docker images of microservices. Then simply cd to /readingisgood/docker and
docker compose up
when all services up; api-gateway url http://localhost:8081 (or http://host.docker.internal:8081 in windows) eureka server url is : http://localhost:8761/ or (http://host.docker.internal:8761 in windows)
for postman collection see docs folder.
for auth register with
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8081/register' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{ "username":"user", "password":"password"}'
all requests except register and get-token, you need to add "Authorization" returned from register or get-token(login). If an api responses with 401, you need to get-token (login) again.
--Testing. --Swagger. --More documentation --More validation