\curl -L get.rvm.io | bash -s stable –rails
gem install rails
gem install pg
sudo service postgresql start
sudo sudo -u postgres psql
create role pharmeasy with createdb login password ‘your_password’;
/etc/init.d/postgresql restart
git clone github.com/murtuzamvista/pharmeasy.git
cd pharmeasy
bundle install
mkdir config/production
cp config/development/config.yml config/production/config.yml
Change database and password fields in the above config.yml
RAILS_ENV=production rake db:drop db:create db:migrate
rails s -e production
psql prod-database-name < pharmeasy.db
bundle exec yardoc
open public/api/index.html
PUT localhost:3000/movies/sync => Populate Database from a remote API
GET localhost:3000/movies/ => Fetch all the movies
GET localhost:3000/movies/The Dead Pool => Fetch details of the given movie
GET localhost:3000/movies/search/a => Fetch details of all the movies starting with ‘a/A’