Booked Scheduler is/was a open-source room scheduling/booking tool. We would like to run this in a Docker-ized environment. So here's a Dockerfile to make that happen.
There's not too much out there because the most room booking is probably done through Exchange/Outlook. We did some evaluation on the stuff that is out there, and wrote it up in our wiki:
wget -O config.php
docker run -d --name booked-db -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=passw0rd -e MYSQL_DATABASE=booked -e MYSQL_USER=booked -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=passw0rd mariadb
docker run -d --name booked-app -v $(pwd)/config.php:/var/www/html/config/config.php -v $(pwd)/upload:/var/www/html/upload --link booked-db:mysql -p 8000:80 booked: