Right now,
- user can create an account - a user can login (using has_secure_password) - post a question - answer a question - user can view questions and answers (logged in or not) - user can log out (clear session) - - MORE TESTING (integration, controllers) > Added unit and integration testing for > - validations on all models - responses, questions and users > - configured Capybara login stub (see support folder) > - added FactoryGirl: defined factories and included for some tests - moving code in the controller to helpers (sessions_helper) > created current_user and redirect_to_signup helper methods - see controllers/application_controller.rb - add more functionality to navbar > nada, zippO - adding a authors to the questions viewing (showing who posted the question) > nope - if you want to, flesh out profile page. (add users questions and answers to questions) > nada - add edit and delete question and answers for users own content OTHER... > switched from SQLite to PostgreSQL for database cleaner and integration testing