Sep 26, 2023
A big thanks to the 23 contributors who made this release possible.
This release was mostly about 🐛 bug fixes and 📚 documentation improvements.
@mui/[email protected]
- [Autocomplete] Re-export
to make it available from path import (#38638) @vadimka123 - [Select][material-ui] Missing aria-multiselectable attribute on multiple Select component (#38855) @gitstart
- [l10n] labelDisplayedRows is added for trTR localization (#39056) @tebersefa
@mui/[email protected]
@mui/[email protected]
- [NumberInput] Support adornments (#38900) @anle9650
- [Menu] Align external props handling for useMenu/MenuButton/MenuItem (#38946) @mj12albert
- [Select] Align external props handling (#39038) @mj12albert
- [TextareaAutosize] Simplify logic and add test (#38728) @oliviertassinari
@mui/[email protected]
- [Button] Fix disabled button styling when component prop is provided (#38996) @sai6855
- [Drawer] Add missing
in theme components (#39074) @Studio384
@mui/[email protected]
- [FormControl] Copy v5 FormControl (#39039) @mj12albert
@mui/[email protected]
- Improve focus trap demo (#38985) @oliviertassinari
- Add Tailwind CSS + plain CSS demo on the Tabs page (#39000) @alisasanib
- Improve the default theme viewer design (#39049) @danilo-leal
- Add live demo with CssVarsProvider (#38792) @oliviertassinari
- Fix wrong hash on Card's page (#39151) @mnajdova
- Revise the Drawer page (#38988) @danilo-leal
- Simplify the button's loading indicator demo (#39082) @danilo-leal
- Fix the Templates link on the Overview page (#39086) @danilo-leal
- Refine the Sign in template (#38942) @zanivan
- Add
integration with the Circular Progress (#38952) @anon-phantom
- [blog] Add a company values blog post (#38802) @mikailaread
- [core] Downgrade lerna to 7.2.0 (#39149) @michaldudak
- [core] Simplify docs feedback interaction (#39075) @alexfauquette
- [core] Improve ref type definition (#38903) @oliviertassinari
- [core] Simplify career (#39112) @oliviertassinari
- [core] Update Babel types along with source packages (#39070) @michaldudak
- [core] Add a comment to explain
(#39035) @Janpot - [docs-infra] Fix code removal in table of content (#39165) @alexfauquette
- [docs-infra] Improve callouts design (#39084) @danilo-leal
- [docs-infra] Fix key warning in Base UI Slider slots section (#38954) @ZeeshanTamboli
- [docs-infra] Fix error when redirecting to the root page (#38451) @maheshguntur
- [docs-infra] Open demo crash in the right repository (#39006) @oliviertassinari
- [test] Split the test package (#39061) @michaldudak
- [website] React Engineer - xCharts role (#38976) @DanailH
- [website] Improve the highlighter component colors (#39087) @danilo-leal
- [website] Fix Pricing page row hover (#39097) @danilo-leal
- [website] Fix typo with straight quote @oliviertassinari
- [website] Sync about page @oliviertassinari
- [website] Update the about page (#38733) @danilo-leal
- [website] Small fixes on the X marketing page (#38975) @flaviendelangle
- [website] Add stray design tweaks to the X page (#38589) @danilo-leal
All contributors of this release in alphabetical order: @alexfauquette, @alisasanib, @anle9650, @anon-phantom, @DanailH, @danilo-leal, @DiegoAndai, @flaviendelangle, @gitstart, @Janpot, @jergason, @maheshguntur, @michaldudak, @mikailaread, @mj12albert, @mnajdova, @oliviertassinari, @sai6855, @Studio384, @tebersefa, @vadimka123, @zanivan, @ZeeshanTamboli