this project is an object detection app using tensorflow lite framework and yolov5 model. first you need to convert the yolov5 model from torch to tensorflow lite using the tool that comes in the yolov5 default repo.
yolov5 repo
python --include tflite --int --weights [path/to/torch/model] --data [path/to/model/data]
after converting the you will end up with model.tflite.
opencv and tensorflow lite are needed.
the app got tested with opencv 4.5 and tensorflow lite 2.7
get the libs folder from
you need to change the direcktory in the CMakeLists.txt 18.line
mkdir build && cd build \
cmake .. && make
then you will have yolov5-tfLite executable file
./yolov5-tfLite [path/to/model] [path/to/classes/names] [path/to/the/video/input] [path/to/the/video/output]
./yolov5-tfLite ../models/model.tflite ../models/coco.names ../media/walkingPeople.mp4 ../media/out.avi
the output should be like this
Model loaded successfully.
Memory allocated for tensors.
Label Count: 80
Model run time 'milliseconds': 1096
Model run time 'milliseconds': 1116
you will see the input video with boundring boxes around the 80 object that we trained the model over