Displays windows and allows you to use them in console.
Lots of source code copied from my previous project - ConPlayer
Demonstration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPb93gAq2_M
Minecraft in cmd [-ca -tm
Browser in cmd [-tm
Magnifier mode [-m -sm soft-fill -sch -c cstd-rgb -r 50
[none] / -i Handle to input window (in hexadecimal).
[handle] When used, it will skip window selection menu.
win2con 000100F8
-c [mode] Sets color mode.
(--colors) Default color mode is "cstd-256".
To get list of all avaible color modes use "win2con -h color-modes".
win2con -c winapi-16
-s [w] [h] Sets width and height of the drawn image.
(--size) By default size of entire window.
Using "-s 0 0" image size will be constant.
(will not change with the console size change).
win2con -s 120 50
-sm [mode] [...] Sets scaling mode.
(--scaling-mode) Default scaling mode is "fill" with enabled keeping ratio.
To get list of all avaible scaling modes use "win2con -h scaling-modes".
win2con -sm no-scaling
-ca (--client-area) Gets only window client area (without title bar or menu).
It may not work properly in some cases!
-tm (--top-most) Places console window above all other windows.
and makes it transparent to input.
Doesn't work with Windows Terminal!
-m (--magnifier) Enables "magnifier mode".
Instead of drawing one window, Win2Con will draw area under console.
Requires Windows 10 Version 2004 (20H1) [10.0.19041] or higher!
-inf(--information) Information about Win2Con.
-v (--version) Information about Win2Con version.
-h <topic> Displays help message.
(--help) Topics: basic, advanced, color-modes, scaling-modes, keyboard, full
[To see full help use "win2con -h full"]
[Right Alt + ...]:
Q - Exit from window
X - Exit from Win2Con
C - Switch: entire window/client area
T - Switch: console window above all other windows
To compile it on Windows you need only Visual Studio. Just open .sln file and everything should work (at least theoretically).