Code anywhere with an internet connection.
WARP is portable, console based development environment which grew out the need to have a fully featured development environment ready to go, in the absence of my Physical Laptop. It is a full recreation of my Linux-based development environment in a Cloud VM, accessible via SSH or a Web Browser.
See design for architecture deep dive.
- Portable WARP is accessible from on any machine with a Web Browser or SSH client over the internet.
- Consistency Each WARP instance has identical OS, packages & development tooling versions, ensuring the reproducibility of software written on it.
- Cloud Native Designed to run in the cloud, WARP attains the ability to vertically scale based on development workload.
- Lightweight Console-based by design, WARP avoids the overhead of a running a full blown Desktop environment.
- Install the Pypi modules listed in
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install pre-commit hooks:
pre-commit install
- Recreate WARP's development environment locally:
make apply
- Install Packer, Terraform
- Edit
# google cloud build environment
project_id = "<GCP_PROJECT_ID>"
zone = "<ZONE>"
- Build WARP Box as a GCE VM image
make box-gcp
- Spin up WARP VM can on Google Cloud with included Terraform module:
module "warp_vm" {
source = ""
# GCE metadata tags
tags = [ <TAGS...> ]
# secure web terminal with TLS
web_tls_cert = "<FULL CHAIN TLS CERT>"
web_tls_key = "<TLS PRIVATE KEY>"
# ssh key authentication
ssh_public_key = "<SSH PUBLIC KEY>"
flowchart TB
Packer -.-|triggers| play[[Ansible Playbook]] -->
|provisions| disk & laptop
tf[Terraform] -.-|deploys| disk -->|Boot| vm
subgraph Cloud Provider
direction LR
disk[(WARP Box)]
term([Web Terminal]) & ssh[SSH] & laptop -.-|access| user((Developer))
subgraph vm [WARP VM]
- Packer triggers a build of the development environment VM image, known as WARP Box, on a Cloud Provider (currently Google Cloud).
- An Ansible Playbook provisions WARP Box, installing packages & setting up tools.
- Ansible Playbook's idempotence lends itself well to provisioning physical hardware (eg. my Laptop).
- Being the single source of truth, Ansible ensures a consistent the development environment between WARP VM & physical hardware.
- The Terraform module spins up WARP VM: a Cloud VM using WARP Box as a boot disk on the Cloud Provider.
- The developer is able given ample options to access the development environment: WARP VM's Web Terminal or SSH interfaces, or when available, a physical laptop.