This is npm package for parse/profile nginx access log.
Using npm or yarn
$ npm i nginx-access-log
const { parse, digest } = require('nginx-access-log')
const logData = "time:10/Jul/2021:13:37:14 +0000 host: forwardedfor:- req:GET /fetch HTTP/1.1 status:403 method:GET uri:/fetch size:5 referer: ua:IPhone reqtime:0.003 cache:- runtime:- apptime:0.003 vhost:"
const logs = parse(logData)
const result = digest(logs)
// [
// {
// count: 1,
// count2xx: 0,
// count3xx: 0,
// count4xx: 1,
// count5xx: 0,
// min: 0.003,
// max: 0.003,
// sum: 0.003,
// average: 0.003,
// maxBody: 5,
// minBody: 5,
// averageBody: 5,
// sumBody: 5,
// method: "GET",
// uri: '/fetch'
// }
// ]
import type { Log, DigestItem } from 'nginx-access-log'
import { parse, digest } from 'nginx-access-log'
const logData: string = "time:10/Jul/2021:13:37:14 +0000 host: forwardedfor:- req:GET /fetch HTTP/1.1 status:403 method:GET uri:/fetch size:5 referer: ua:IPhone reqtime:0.003 cache:- runtime:- apptime:0.003 vhost:"
const logs: Log[] = parse(logData)
const result: DigestItem[] = digest(logs)
// [
// {
// count: 1,
// count2xx: 0,
// count3xx: 0,
// count4xx: 1,
// count5xx: 0,
// min: 0.003,
// max: 0.003,
// sum: 0.003,
// average: 0.003,
// maxBody: 5,
// minBody: 5,
// averageBody: 5,
// sumBody: 5,
// method: "GET",
// uri: '/fetch'
// }
// ]
import type { Log, DigestItem } from 'nginx-access-log'
import { parse } from 'nginx-access-log'
const logData: string = "time:10/Jul/2021:13:37:14 +0000 host: forwardedfor:- req:GET /fetch HTTP/1.1 status:403 method:GET uri:/fetch size:5 referer: ua:Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.114 Safari/537.36 reqtime:0.003 cache:- runtime:- apptime:0.003 vhost:"
const logs: Log[] = parse(logData)
// [
// {
// time: 2021-07-10T13:37:14.000Z,
// host: '',
// forwardedfor: '-',
// req: 'GET /fetch HTTP/1.1',
// status: 403,
// method: 'GET',
// uri: '/fetch',
// size: 5,
// referer: '',
// ua: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.114 Safari/537.36',
// reqtime: 0.003,
// cache: '-',
// runtime: '-',
// apptime: 0.003,
// vhost: ''
// }
// ]
import type { Log, FilterQuery } from 'nginx-access-log'
import { parse, filter } from 'nginx-access-log'
const logData: string = "time:10/Jul/2021:13:37:14 +0000 host: forwardedfor:- req:GET /fetch HTTP/1.1 status:403 method:GET uri:/fetch size:5 referer: ua:IPhone reqtime:0.003 cache:- runtime:- apptime:0.003 vhost:" + "\n" +
"time:10/Jul/2021:13:37:14 +0000 host: forwardedfor:- req:POST /post HTTP/1.1 status:403 method:POST uri:/post size:5 referer: ua:IPhone reqtime:0.003 cache:- runtime:- apptime:0.003 vhost:"
const logs: Log[] = parse(logData)
const query: FilterQuery = { methods: ["GET"] }
const logsFilterd: Log[] = filter(logs, query)
// [
// {
// time: 2021-07-10T13:37:14.000Z,
// host: '',
// forwardedfor: '-',
// req: 'GET /fetch HTTP/1.1',
// status: 403,
// method: 'GET',
// uri: '/fetch',
// size: 5,
// referer: '',
// ua: 'IPhone',
// reqtime: 0.003,
// cache: '-',
// runtime: '-',
// apptime: 0.003,
// vhost: ''
// }
// ]
import type { Log, DigestQuery, DigestItem } from 'nginx-access-log'
import { parse, digest } from 'nginx-access-log'
const logData: string = "time:10/Jul/2021:13:37:14 +0000 host: forwardedfor:- req:GET /users/1 HTTP/1.1 status:403 method:GET uri:/users/1 size:5 referer: ua:IPhone reqtime:0.003 cache:- runtime:- apptime:0.003 vhost:" + "\n" +
"time:10/Jul/2021:13:37:14 +0000 host: forwardedfor:- req:GET /users/2 HTTP/1.1 status:403 method:GET uri:/users/2 size:5 referer: ua:IPhone reqtime:0.003 cache:- runtime:- apptime:0.003 vhost:"
const logs: Log[] = parse(logData)
const query: DigestQuery = { uriPatterns: ["/users/"] }
const result: DigestItem[] = digest(logs, query)
// [
// {
// count: 2,
// count2xx: 0,
// count3xx: 0,
// count4xx: 2,
// count5xx: 0,
// min: 0.003,
// max: 0.003,
// sum: 0.006,
// average: 0.003,
// minBody: 5,
// maxBody: 5,
// averageBody: 5,
// sumBody: 10,
// method: 'GET',
// uri: '/users/'
// }
// ]
output nginx logs according to the following example
http {
log_format ltsv "time:$time_local"
access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log ltsv;