- xmlstarlet - bash XML parsing
- rrdtool - bash RRD processing
- apache2 - for serving the app via HTTP
The script bin/weather-forecast.sh retrieves a 4 day forecast from the Google weather API. It downloads the XML and the referenced images and puts all into the sub-folder tmp/weather. The XML and the images are used by the klimalogger-ui to display a 4 day forecast.
The script bin/rrd.sh takes a CSV file with a klimalogger dump as provided by the klimalogger tools (tfa_dump) and creates RRD files from it as well as PNG images. The files can be found in the sub-folder tmp/data.
0 0 * * * $KLIMALOGGER_HOME/bin/weather-forecast.sh
*/5 * * * * $KLIMALOGGER_HOME/bin/dump....
The following libraries are used by the klimalogger-ui application:
- jQuery Mobile - http://jquerymobile.com/
- RRDtool - http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool/
- javascriptRRD - http://sourceforge.net/projects/javascriptrrd/