Arduino Sketch to provide local facia push button control of a turnout position driven by a servo
The sketch has different definitions for an Arduino UNO for easier development and a ATTiny85 for production.
For the ATTiny85 use the ATTinyCore Arduino Core from here:
The Required I/O are defined below as follows:
NORMAL_POS_AN_INP : Analog input from TrimPOT to set the Normal servo position REVERSE_POS_AN_INP : Analog input from TrimPOT to set the Reverse servo position
TOGGLE_BUTTON : Digital input with internal pull-up enabled for a momentary push button to GND to toggle turnout position
SERVO_OUTPUT : Digital output to drive the servo position
LED_OUTPUT : Digital output to drive two LEDs, one connected to VCC via a resistor and the other connectd to GND via a resistor so that one is on when the pin is HIGH and the other is on when the pin is LOW