Improved "clink autorun". It now defaults to the Current User registry hive.
"clink set" gives more details for enumeration-type settings.
Tab completion for p4vc.
New settings "history_expand_mode" to control history expansion in quotes (#317 ).
Bug fixes;
Use full width of the terminal (#337 ).
Fixed MinGW compile error (#335 ).
Autorun now defaults to the current user's hive (#332 ).
Creating clink.html no longer needs Pandoc, plus it looks a bit better (#331 ).
Added settings to control history expansion (#326 ).
Correct fallback when 'use_altgr_substitute' is off (#325 ).
Load history prior to saving it on shutdown (#318 ).
Added Shift-Tab documentation and menu completion example (#190 ).
Added shim for backwards menu completion (#190 ).
Input handling now outputs '\e`Z' for Shift-Tab (#190 ).
Updated Readme with current Premake info (#310 ).
Guard against there being no buffer to read from (#304 ).
Fixed artefacts when resizing conhost's buffer (#139 ).
Clear remaining characters if scroll window was too small (#301 )
Escape % characters when expanding aliases (#280 ).
Fixed leaking exception filters.
Clearing the screen doesn't leave artefacts behind.
You can’t perform that action at this time.