I always loved to write documentation with sphinx-doc, but i hated to setup my environment everytime i reinstalled my laptop. Thanks to docker this isn't necessary anymore. Based on the efforts of the following projects i composed a mashine which fits to my requirements.
- sphinx-doc
- Kroki
- Plantuml
- Excalidraw
- sphinxcontrib-plantuml
- sphinx-contrib-kroki
- sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter
The base image is sphinxdoc/sphinx-latexpdf.
The image of this project can be found here (mrburnsde/sphinx-latex-kroki).
To build your own Docker-Image use
docker build --tag sphinx-latex-kroki:forme .
You can also pull
docker pull mrburnsde/sphinx-latex-kroki
from dockerhub.
To build your own documentation to pdf use
docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/docs docker.io/mrburnsde/sphinx-latex-kroki make latexpdf
in the cloned directory.
WARNING: take care for the correct tag |