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Maria Angeles Oteo edited this page Dec 21, 2016 · 17 revisions

Welcome to the Magnet wiki!

This page is a chronological history of our progress in Magnet project. We'll create more pages as we need them.

Week of December 19th, 2016

  • We have come back from our Hawaii ww (Dec 6th to 9th) which was very useful to the team - where we now have a stronger design direction, user journey, and stories beyond the last release. This week we will have a checkin Checkin (December 21) with PIB with the User Study results and Design Direction and we have scheduled Gate 1 review Jan 13th

User Validation Study

  • Ran week before Hawaii with 9 people interviewed and testing a mockup
  • Overall had good results and validated hypothesis, but also greatly influenced our design direction and discussion during Work Week.
  • Problem Hypotheses: People have FOMO about knowledge and experiences in the world around them, existing solutions provide useful practical information but are geared towards consumption of goods and services, not gaining knowledge or experiences
  • Experience Strategy: Provide a sense of adventure and progress in the experience, combine the digital and physical worlds in a unique and compelling way, provide visually engaging stories and encourage user-generated content to add value.
  • Problem-solution fit - does our concept have value? We think it does. We are taking stories a bit deeper, and with continuity of a story across different locations. We found that our solution seems very unique and compelling to people who tried it. Can't get the type of content we have elsewhere.


  • New User Stories in progress based on a User Journey we worked on in Hawaii. Will release these after some team review.


  • Released the new iOS version right before Hawaii. Available in App Store and Google Play. Supports over 1100 deployed points of interest in London and some in San Francisco.
  • Working on technical architecture document for a more 'magazine' style interface.


  • Working on new mockups that will support the design direction.

Week of November 21th, 2016

Experiments/User Studies

  • FB Landing Page campaign to drive downloads of the app and validate interest: finished a series of experiments that confirms that the problem of people wanting to rediscover their city or discover hidden secrets exists, but we did not achieve high levels of conversion (registrations or downloads) from the landing page. This could either be poor execution on the Landing Page with messages that don't connect to end users, or just lack of interest in getting an app for this problem but not qualitative data around.
  • User Validation for 10 people in SF office on the week commencing Nov 28th is ongoing. This study, based on a mock-up, will provide us information to further validate the main assumption “The Magnet experience attracts users to try the app and return frequently”.


  • Last week will finish our third sprint Sprint 8 that it's the last one before uploading the client to the stores on Nov 23th (London Pilot starts on Nov 30th). Complete test Run will be executed on Nov 22th, and this week we will focus on the bugfixing
  • Last week we worked on refining the way to scan and notify users based on their location, POI Deep link from the notification, navigation in the app and call Google Analytics from native code and other tasks in order to have the client in the best shape.


  • High level planning and Roadmap post-Gate 1 (more detailed plan soon)
  • Interesting read about why BT will not be an obstacle for beacons

Week of November 14th, 2016


  • Finished our second sprint (Sprint 7) where we have implemented Notifications and channel subscription/unsubscription in Android and iOS (Notifications demo in Android and iOS) and the POI view (Demo video)
  • In the next and last Sprint (Sprint 8) we will focus on refining the way to notify users based on their location, implement call to actions, FTE, navigation in the app and other tasks in order to have the client in the best shape to upload it to the stores on Nov 23.

Hypotheses validation

  • Leap of Faith assumption we wanted to validate in the London pilot was “The Magnet experience attracts users to try the app and return frequently”. For that we would need an attractive UX, a stable client and quality content to engage users.
  • Concerns about whether the UX that we could implement in the development time we had, was going to be compelling/different enough to validate the Leap of Faith Assumption
  • To mitigate this risk we have planned to use a mock-up to run a User Study for 10 people in SF office on the week commencing Nov 28th, 2016. This study will provide us information to further validate the main assumption. In parallel we will still run a pilot in London to learn how users interact with the developed client and a FB Landing Page campaign to drive downloads of the app and validate interest
  • Here you have a complete update of all the work done during the last 3 weeks presented to the PIB together with the Project Plan and next milestones until Gate 1 (scheduled on Dec 21st)

Week of November 7th, 2016

Magnet team in Mozfest

  • London team attended to the Science Fair (Friday), they presented Magnet app with the new Virtual Beacon experience. Warm welcome and really good one to one feedback.
  • Contacted to several storytellers interested in use Magnet as a channel to provide content in the future.

Mozfestation application

  • Dietrich, Liz and Katie run an experiment based on our app during Mozfest. With very small changes in the Magnet app (as adding a counter of the beacons discovered with mozfest URL), 100 beacons were distributed in the venues encouraging people to visit all the ideas and spaces at Mozfest to discover them.
  • With the info provided from Magnet server during the experiment, Mozfest team could track people movements and create a heat map of the spaces.
  • The game was a success, and that's the reason we continue exploring the call of adventure (gamification) and completeness as possible features in the UX of Magnet to make it more engaging/compelling for future versions. Storytellers could also provide a reward encouraging people subscribed to their channels to visit more POIs

Development: This week we will finish our second sprint, Sprint 7

  • In the client side Channels subscription is almost ready in iOS and Android and the team is working on the buzz notifications
  • Server side: most of the work done, still working on an issue regarding to the 'extra_metadata' returned from the content service.
  • Research product/solution fit: Landing page test for pre-signups and app downloads from Londoners is ready. Doing a small test run on the ads over next 2 day, then will choose and do a longer run.

Week of October 24th, 2016

  • Last Friday we presented a deck to the PIB to nail down the target audience and stories for our Pilot/MVP.
  • Last Week we finished our first Sprint (Sprint 6) after passing Gate 0, more details of the sprint in our wiki. The main Goal for that sprint was implementing our current service/client to work for GPS/Virtual beacons

Sprint 6 main tasks

  • Investigate GPS solutions in React Native (iOS and Android)
  • Implement GPS content discovery on client
  • Geo Backend: Implement Magnet Service
  • Upgrade to latest react-native version as there were errors when compiling magnet for iOS10 and bugfixing
  • Metrics: Modify the metrics to identify Beacons URL and GPS or Virtual Beacons
  • Provide content for the London Pilot that fit our target audience and our technical requirements
  • Design of several options for the final UX of our client (High level)

Week of October 17th, 2016

  • We passed Gate 0 passed with caveat to nail down the use cases / segments in one week, here you have the pitch that the team presented. It includes the plan for building an MVP in order to be ready to be tested at beginning of December.
  • The Pilot or MVP will be focused on the client side to test the assumption that our app can deliver timely, relevant content, resulting in delightful experiences. The rest of elements in the architecture, as providing the beacons and the service/tools to manage them by the story tellers, will be part of the final product in case we pass Gate 1 (planned at the end of this year)

MVP main features

  • Client with minimum feature set required to validate our assumptions
  • Service to feed client with additional location based content
  • Geographic target:London
  • Magnet team publishing popular content
  • Features released and tested incrementally

Week of October 10th, 2016

Long time we didn't update our wiki but summer holidays and some changes in the product plan have happened during the last two months, let's try to summarize what has happened.

  • After London experiments and the findings we got there, we decided that we need to try to upload our application to the stores to remove the installation barriers.
  • At the end of August "Project Magnet" application was uploaded to the Apple Store and Google Play.
  • We also attended to the View Source conference in Berlin at mid September to run some experiments there, broadcasting schedule content so spur-of-the-moment attendees could quickly and confidently choose how to spend their time. We also give away beacons to the attendees and help them to configure them to try to measure them if that increased the number of interactions that they had during the conference and other possible uses. For more info, check User Insights from View Source
  • Now Project Magnet has a clearer user-value-proposition: 'Never miss the stories that matter to you'. From View Source we identified some key pain points and a second user: content providers or "publishers" that miss tools that enable them to deploy content to physical spaces.
  • We're addressing the Physical Web content-gap problem by introducing additional content channels (GPS assisted) and an opt-in UX model will give users full control over the content they see (ad/spam/malicious content protection)
  • We will present the new pitch to the Product Innovation Board this week (Oct 12th). We'll update you about his feedback.

Week of July 18th, 2016

We already have the User Findings from the experiments in MozLondon: User Study #2 and Data Analysis. The key learnings from the User Study were:

  • More barriers to people interacting with and broadcasting their own content than expected.
  • People didn’t stay engaged with the app - they forgot about it or it was too overwhelming.
  • People seemed more interested in locating people they knew than meeting new people.
  • Running many experiments at the same time made it harder to uncover insights.

Regarding to the hypotheses we wanted to validate:

  • "Broadcasting helpful information (e.g. schedule, maps) to conference attendees will help alleviate their anxiety": although attendees found useful info (as sched) we think that it could have been more useful if it were more widely implemented in all the hotels, beides, we don't think we lowered anyone's anxiety.
  • "Broadcasting personal tidbits (e.g. Twitter handle) to other conference attendees will make networking easier": we did not create any network connections (in general), the barriers play a huge part for those that were broadcasting that combined with the fact that it was only the cd group and we already know almost everyone.

We feel that continuing to focus on conferences/events, and being able to control the “ecosystem” (e.g. content and app), we will obtain clearer insights that can then be used to improve that platform.

The team has just landed basic "notifications" feature in iOS and Android to improve the engagement of the app, and in order to reduce the friction when distributing the application, we are working together with Legal and Marketing teams to see the possible options to upload the app to Apple Store and Google Play.

Week of June 13th, 2016

We were running a magnet experiment around the connected devices area in MozLondon like:

  • Schedule for the meetings room in the CD area.
  • Twitter feed for the #mozlondon hash tag.
  • Poll and feedback for the magnet experience.
  • Links to the best coffee shops or best pubs in London.
  • And also we gave away lots of beacons for people to advertise themselves.

It was really nice, and soon we will analyze all the data that we got from this experiment

As well we have time to meet with the Activity Stream Team and other teams inside Mozilla to discuss about a common solution for simplifying how we can have a 'tile' representation of a site. Also we must remark how useful was the meeting with the MozFest team to engage about possible collaboration with the festival.

Also we got our MVP review with the Leadership team, they were happy with our progress and interested on this new web, so we setup some next steps from leadership team's feedback.

  • Analyze the data from the London work week: Taking a look to the data in the metrics server (launches, url clicked, url swiped) and the metadata server, checking the feedback form and contacting the people that gave us their email addresses.
  • Articulate "what's is unique with this beacon technology": We need to contact Irina from the research team to try to have a deep dive in beacon technology.
  • Create a plan for engagement: How are we going to do this? We should not flood the user with notifications and when? At the moment of discovery, in a daily digest and story of the web founds during a day?

Check this post in Discourse published by Francisco to have more info about them. More action points have been added after a team's brainstorming so feel free to discuss, add more or remove in the post. Thanks!!

Week of May 30th, 2016

After interviewing 7 conference presenters and after the analysis of all the info we have the results of our first User Study. Our previous hypothesis "We believe that broadcasting professional content (e.g. professional websites, contact info, twitter, etc) for conference presenters will help presenters promote themselves more easily than current methods" was invalidated our previous but we got other insights from the interviews to form 4 questions:

  • How can we lessen people’s anxiety at conferences?
  • What are the barriers for attendees to provide feedback?
  • Can we make starting a conversation easier?
  • Is Twitter the right tool for what attendees use it for?

We are creating 3 types of experiments in London All Hands for further research to have more data about those new hypotheses and get some good insights that let us choose a single direction to follow

Week of May 23th, 2016

  • Research: Interviews ongoing, we plan to finish them this Thursday (May 27th) so on Friday we will start with the Research Analysis
  • Development: Sprint 3 ongoing, QA test plan started for sched integration and the already implemented features in Magnet. we continue with the bug fixing for sched integration and adding cache to our metadata server ( We met with Activity Stream people to help us with the stabilization of the app/server)
  • We had some time for prototyping and we transformed a dumb speaker to a sonos using a raspberry pi with mopidy server streaming using spotify and everything controlled from a simple web interface that is advertised to people via physical web. Demo video

Week of May 9th, 2016

  • Research: Interview guide is ready and the team is starting with the first interviews. We plan to finish them by May 27th, after that we will analyze the results together to check if the hypothesis have been validated and determine the next steps.
  • Sprint 2 finished and some demos videos have been recorded to show the progress of the project. We have been able to integrate Magnet and Sched app and new visual features has been added as custom web views and feature to provide the user the option to get rid of one of the tiles or cards.
  • Sprint 3 started this week, goals apart of doing interviews, are the stabilization of the app to avoid server to explode if it's used by many people and prepare a regression test and execution for the Sched adaptor as some issues have already been raised and need to be fixed

Week of May 2nd, 2016

  • Research: After reviewing some assumptions/hypotheses about our project, we have decided to start with the assumption that people will be willing to broadcast their personal information, specially in events as conferences, being the target audience Conference presenters. Research plan to refine and validate this hypotheses will be done during this week, but the rest of the Team will start having informal talks with people inside Mozilla that are used to present in conferences and other events.

  • Development: We already have downloadable builds. Project Magnet in GitHub has been updated so the community can have all the info available to download Android builds and also create their own ones in Android and iOS.

Week of April 25th, 2016

  • We finished Sprint 1 and we already have a very basic client for Android and iOS to discover physical webs. This will be useful for prototyping and hypothesis validation. Some demo videos for iOS and Android were recorded during our Sprint 1 Demo and Retrospective
  • In Sprint 2 we have planned to work in the assumptions/hypotheses document to be reviewed, as a first step to target an audience and make an attempt at making our first hypotheses to be validated. We want also to have downloadable builds and polish the clients as many tasks/issues have been detected when they were developed during last sprint.
  • Beacons research finished and now evaluating some providers to do a purchase.