An AngularJS module for loading content from a CMS.
The easiest way to install this package is by using npm from your terminal:
npm install ln-cms --save-dev
First you need to create an ngConstants
module with the apiBase. For example:
angular.module('ngConstants', [])
.constant('apiBase', 'http://localhost:3000/');
Then you need to add the CMS module as a dependency to your app:
.module('app', [
The module provides a controller which loads data form your CMS as the route changes. It makes that data available to various directives. A basic outline for you html is:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" ng-app="app" ng-controller="LnCmsController as vm">
<head ln-cms-meta="{{vm.view.meta}}">
<ln-cms-view view-def="{{vm.view}}" static-def="{{vm.static}}"></ln-cms-view>
Listens for route changes and sends a message to the CMS for data each time. It also loads routes and static data once when the app loads. It expects API endpoints terminating in /static and /routes for this.
LnCms uses AngularUI Router to define the available routes and their corresponding states. The module loads the configuration data to define the routes from the /routes backend endpoint, which expects an output like the following:
"state": "home",
"url": "/",
"template": "home",
"endpoint": "post",
"params": {
"id": 123
"state": "allPhotos",
"url": "/photos",
"template": "allPhotos",
"endpoint": "collection",
"params": {
"type": "photo",
"posts_per_page": 10
"state": "authorPhotos",
"url": "/photos/:authorId",
"template": "authorPhotos",
"endpoint": "collection",
"params": {
"type": "photo",
"posts_per_page": 10
"state": "photo",
"url": "/photos/:authorId/:photoId",
"template": "photo",
"endpoint": "post",
"params": {}
Each of the routes will try to load its corresponding template from paths like this: templates/<route-template>/template.html
. Examples:
To link to the different states you have to use ui-sref
directive from AngularUI Router. Here are some examples:
<!-- link to home page -->
<a ui-sref="home">
<!-- link to all photos page -->
<a ui-sref="allPhotos">
<!-- link to Juan's photos page -->
<a ui-sref="authorPhotos({authorId: \"juan\"})">
<!-- link to Everest photo page from Juan -->
<a ui-sref="photo({authorId: \"juan\", photoId: \"everest\"})">
It is also possible to link using the angular URLs of each route:
<!-- link to home page -->
<a href="#/home">
<!-- link to all photos page -->
<a href="#/allPhotos">
<!-- link to Juan's photos page -->
<a href="#/photos/juan">
<!-- link to Everest photo page from Juan -->
<a href="#/photos/juan/everest">
Includes the corresponding template using the ui-view
directive from AngularUI Router and passes the view and static data to sub-directives. Each time the view data changes due to a change of the current route, the directive reloads the current state.
In order to load the view data from the backend, LnCms uses the defined route endpoint which must receive the defined parameters, and optionally the URL extra parameters needed to search for the corresponding view data. Here are some examples:
// GET /post?id=123
"id": 123,
"content": { ... },
"meta": { ... }
// GET /collection?type=photo&posts_per_page=10&authorId=juan
"id": 201,
"type": "photo",
"authorId": "juan",
"content": { ... },
"meta": { ... }
"id": 202,
"type": "photo",
"authorId": "juan",
"content": { ... },
"meta": { ... }
// GET /post?type=photo&authorId=juan&photoId=everest
"id": 301,
"type": "photo",
"authorId": "juan",
"photoId": "everest",
"content": { ... },
"meta": { ... }
You can use the content
object to inject the custom data of each page to your sub-directives.
Updates the meta information of the header of the page, using the metadata returned from the CMS inside the meta
object of each view.
// GET /post?id=123
"id": 123,
"content": { ... },
"meta": {
"title": "App - Home",
"tags": [
{"name": "description", "content": ""},
{"property": "og:locale", "content": "en_US"},
{"name": "twitter:card", "content": "summary"},