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Crisoforo Gaspar Hernández edited this page Oct 12, 2015 · 1 revision


This tasks review all changes in the .php, .js and .css files and for every change in any of those files do the following:

  1. For any change on a .php file will run the php:linttask to see if there is any code standard error in the php files.
  2. For any change on a .js file will creates the latest version of the compiled js and minifed version as well.
  3. For any change on a .scss file will compile this files and creates the css version of those.


gulp watch:all

Note: You can stop this command with: ctrl + c.


This command do only one single thing and this is watch any change on a .php file, if there is a new change then will run the php:linttask to see if there is any code standard error in the php files.


gulp watch:php

Note: You can stop this command with: ctrl + c.


This command do only one single thing and this is watch any change on a .js file, if there is a new change then will run the jstask to create two .js files, from all other files:

  • one unminifed version with all the combination from the other js files with a source map (for development).
  • and minified version from the last one mentioned above, without a source map (for production).


gulp watch:js

Note: You can stop this command with: ctrl + c.


This command do only one single thing and this is watch any change on a .scss file, if there is a new change then will run the stylestask to create two .css files, from all compilation of sass:

  • An unminifed and uncompress version of css with a source map (for development).
  • Minified and compress version of csss without a source map (for production).


gulp watch:sass

Note: You can stop this command with: ctrl + c.