DIY Sega Mega-Tech game cart designs based on reverse engineering of the original 171-5782/171-5783 cartridges.
This is the original cart for MD based games with a single 4 Megabit ROM.
- 1:1 reverse engineered copy to the original.
- No jumper settings needed for use.
- Only supports 40-pin ROMs.
- Removed unused jumpers / capacitors.
- Add 8-32Meg 42-pin EPROM support by jumpers.
- Add 1mm edge connector length for shells with low tolerances.
- Add JLCPCB silkscreen for "Remove Order Number - Specify a location"
This is the original cart for SMS based games with a single 1 or 2 Megabit ROM.
- 1:1 reverse engineered copy to the original.
- Needs JP1 bridged for 1 Megabit ROMs.
- Needs GND knot on IC1 drilled out as is done on original carts.
- Removed unused jumpers / capacitors.
- Removed GND knot.
- Add 1mm edge connector length for shells with low tolerances.
- Add JLCPCB silkscreen for "Remove Order Number - Specify a location"
This allows original Sega Mega Drive carts to be played on your Mega-Tech.
The gerber zip files in each project folder can be uploaded directly to most suppliers.
- PCB specifications: standard 2 layer PCB, 1.6mm thickness. Select "Gold Fingers" and "30°finger chamfered".
- Redux/Converter PCBs: select "Remove Order Number - Specify a location".
My script to make custom menu ROMS uses your legally obtained MT tetris menu ROM to generate new titles and text.