- General info
- Video - Testing the website
- Technologies
- Setup
- Features
- Modeling
- Status
- Testing the deployed application
A nearly full-feature Reddit clone built with Ruby on Rails.
Video - Testing the website
The project is created with/makes use of:
- Bundler version 2.3.5
- Git
- Ruby on Rails version 6.1.6
- Ruby version 3.0.3
- JavaScript - AJAX
- Tailwind CSS version 1.9.6
- Stripe Payments API
- Heroku - Deployment
- PostgreSQL 12 (Production Environment) & Sqlite3 (Development Environment)
To run this project - locally - on your machine:
$ cd your-folder/webbit
$ bundle install
$ yarn install
$ rails db:create
$ rails db:migrate
$ rails db:seed
$ rails server
If you want to be able to use the Stripe Payment feature locally:
- Create an account on the Stripe website to be able to get API keys.
- Add your credentials - API keys - to your Rails applicaiton.
- Make sure your private Stripe API key is not available for everybody to see.
- Create/Read/Update/Delete a user account - Login and Logout.
- As a user, I can Create/Read/Update/Delete:
- A Webbit Community - if created by the user.
- A Submission in a Webbit Community - if created by the user.
- A Comment on a Submission in a Webbit Community - if created by the user.
- As a user I can subscribe to a Webbit Community.
- Premium Subscription - removes ads.
- As a user I can subscribe and unsubscribe of Webbit Premium.
- As a user with admin permission, I can:
- Delete any user account.
- Edit and Update - or delete - any Submission on any Webbit Community.
- Edit and Update - or delete - any Comment on any Submission on any Webbit Community.
- Edit and Update any community
- User - It is focused on the user (email, username...);
- Submission - It is authored by a user. Has different field (image/video, text, link);
- Community - It is the category the Submission belongs to;
- Comment - It is a response given to the Submission from another user or the current user;
- Subscription - A user can subscribe and unsubscribe to a community.
- Premium Subscription - A user can subscribe to Webbit Premium in order to not see ads on the website.
- This project is complete, but I am still looking for new ways/features to improve it.
- Go tho the website: webbit.osc-fr1.scalingo.io
- Login with the example info:
Email: [email protected]
Password: password - To "subscribe" to Webbit Premium you can use the following test information:
Card number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
MM/YY: 04/24
CVC: 424
ZIP: 42424 - Once you are subscribed to Webbit Premium you should be able to get rid of the ads.