This is a bot for the TFC+ discord server. It is currently incomplete. In this iteration, I intended to learn some more JS, as well as principles of clean code. I was adviced to look into Pure Functions, and I realized that it was a good way to write clean, testable code. Clean code makes me happier to work on the bot, and therefore speeds up development.
Node 10 or above is recommended. You will need the Yarn package manager, and PostgresDB. Run
yarn install
yarn build
This will compile files in /src to the out directory, which can be used in production.
Copy config/local.example.json to config/local.json. Edit this with the values of your database and your bot token.
The compilation is actually two-fold, due to limitations of Babel. With the advice of another engineer, I decided to go against using Gulp to automate this. Instead, all this is done within the build
script. First, the /src directory is compiled. Then, the /commands directory is compiled, and the output from the commands copied into the /out folder. The /out folder can now be used to run the bot.
Test files using the tests in /tests, using the Jest test driver.
yarn test
/config/test.json is required, as otherwise Node-config complains.
Remember to build your files before you test!